The PI® Office Hours is hosted every Wednesday at 8 AM PST - for those who attend, we want to welcome you to our Office Hours Follow Ups page! On this page you will find updates from whomever hosted the session, only regarding information that applies to all.
Wednesday 11/30/2022
Discussion Items:
- Tasks updated to 100% Work Status, like Done, will have a strikethrough line until the page refreshes. If on a worklist or page filter the task will drop off the page after refresh.
- Only system administrators can move a project from one folder to another when the folder permissions do not exactly match.
- Outlook integration pushes email to task with black font, this was a bug that we found and will be routed through development.
- This is anticipated to be fixed before the end of the 2022 calendar year
- Requested Dashboard tile on Home Screen, not something currently on our roadmap. PI users mostly use either Dashboard or Home Screen as their default login page.
Wednesday 10/5/2022
Discussion Items:
- Microsoft Outlook Integration
- Troubleshooting outlook events to/from PI
- My Allocation view - Save Report button not working
- 10/5/2022 - checking for possible errors
- "On-It" seems to be showing for users who haven't update Work Status or Time Entry
- 10/5/2022 - checking to see the rules for On-It
- 12/12/2022 - "On-It" transitioned to "Seen" in the interface, since the indicator will show if someone has viewed the task or made an update to it.
Wednesday 9/21/2022
Discussion Items:
- Microsoft Outlook Integration
- Microsoft Teams Integration
- Resource Allocation report is showing the "On it" checkmark even though the task is marked as "Not Started". The "On it" flag isn't getting reset when the status is set back to "Not Started".
- 9/21/2022 - Identified as a bug that will be resolved in a future release
- Bulk Task Edit - Work status only works for statuses that are "active" AND 0% or 100% complete.
- 9/21/2022 - We are researching this issue to determine next steps
- 9/23/2022 - This is working as designed. If a summary task is selected for a bulk edit then you can only set a summary task to 0% or 100% complete because the % complete of a summary task is a calculated value of all the child tasks within it. Therefore, a summary task can only be set to 0% or 100% because what actually happens behind the scenes is that all the child tasks are set to 0% or 100%.
- Task List - Selecting "Check All Non-Summary Tasks" causes tasks under summary tasks that were not expanded to be checked. This causes the bulk edit form to apply changes to more tasks than desired.
- 9/21/2022 - Identified as a bug
- 9/21/2022 - Issue has been resolved in development and the fix will be deployed in the next release
Feature Requests:
- Provide a flag to designate a user as a PM and filter the Project Manager list to those users
- 9/22/2022 - We plan to add an option to filter user lists on users who are given the "Project Creator" role. This will be made available in a future release
- Provide a way to filter out inactive users from User lists that are no longer employees
- 9/22/2022 - The best way to remove users from lists is to remove the "Project Resource" role on the user's profile
- Capture user utilization % change dates so that reports can run under the context of the correct %
- 9/23/2022 - There are no official plans at this time to support historical values of user % utilization when running reports. However, we are keeping this feature request on our list of items to consider for future implementation.
Wednesday 9/7/2022
Discussion Items:
- Copy/Paste does not let you copy/paste tasks to an Inactive project or to project Templates
- PI is in review on this with a ticket opened by Coffey Communications
Feature Requests:
- Bulk Delete option on the Task List with a caution step to prevent accidental deletion
- We can see this as being useful but it is not something that we are able to the tool at this time. It was suggested to add this as a feature request to keep on our backlog until our development team is ready to take it on
Wednesday 8/24/2022
Discussion Items:
- Work Status under Left Admin and Add-Ons page shows 2 times (WVU and SL-Serco)
- This is now resolved in both workspaces
- Resource icons have a max of 10 on the Task Details page and do not wrap on new Task Details page when there are more, they cut off.
- PI in review on this
- Hiding HH:mm, and adjusting Work Schedules
- Column totals not moving
- This is a task in Sprint
- PTO Tracking Add-On: take a look at the video and let's look at it together next week
- Sarasota - add the CSS for PTO, Calendar, and Weekends (nonworking days) on Resource Allocation Report. Amy to give us the specific HEX color
Wednesday 8/17/2022
Discussion Items:
- Remember which tab was last viewed at the bottom of the new task display
8/22/2022 - this has been logged as a bug to be fixed in a future release - A review and demo of how to view project budget values on reports
Feature Requests
- Add an option for health indicators to only be shown for critical path tasks, not all tasks
- Add the ability to customize placement of native and custom fields on the project overview and new task display
- Add the ability to hide summary tasks from project calendar
Wednesday 8/10/2022
- Line draws through "Done" when you update the Work Status, refresh removes the line. Update % it doesn't put a line through it
- 8/10/2022 - this is a known issue we hope to resolve in a future release
- Dashboard tiles in the new UI do not save with filters from the old UI
- 8/10/2022 -this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed in the Release
- When will branding be supported in the new UI? Is it possible to import the old UI's Home Screen tiles with that branding color into the new UI?
- 8/102022 - we do not have an eta yet on branding for the new UI, and anything customized in color will not be possible yet until we support branding. As of now, Themes Add-On is not planned to be in available in the new UI
- How to set a Project's schedule to skip days that are PTO/Nonworking days in someone's PTO Calendar
- 8/10/2022 - this is possible today, see video linked below
- How to Track PTO and Company Holidays on Project Schedules and Allocation Reports
- How Non-Working Days Effect a Task Schedule
- Left Navigation not remembering width, always goes back to the narrow view
- 8/10/2022 - this is not always 100% replicating in our test environments so we will troubleshoot more to find the fix
Feature Requests
- Option to show PTO days only on the global Calendar view
- Show PTO or nonworking days on Resource Allocation report
Wednesday 8/3/2022
Discussion Items:
- Updated copy/paste functionality is only available in the new UI mode
- Updated column selector and moving columns functionality in tables is available in the legacy and new UI modes
- Menu layers don't dismiss automictically and can end up overlapping, creating confusion
8/3/2022 - this is a known issue we hope to resolve in a future release
8/4/2022 - this has been fixed in development and will be deployed in the next release - Resource Allocation Report Issues:
- saving an existing report does not preserve the expand/collapse state of rows
8/3/2022 - this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed
8/4/2022 - this has been resolved and will be included in our next release - expand/collapse menu option don't work
8/3/2022 - this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed
- saving an existing report does not preserve the expand/collapse state of rows
- Printing graphs doesn't work from the "print friendly" display
8/3/2022 - this issue being investigated
8/4/2022 - the cause of this issue has been identified and a fix is in the works - File icon for the File Reports item in the Reports menu is wrong (shows the comments icon)
8/3/2022 - this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed
8/4/2022 - this has been resolved and will be included in our next release - Attempting to move a project out of the archive folder doesn't work in the new UI
8/3/2022 - this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed - The copy project functionality in the new UI is causing an error message to be displayed
8/3/2022 - this is a bug and is on the schedule to be fixed - The "Copy URL" menu item icon is missing
8/3/2022 - this feature is in the process of being replaced by a new "share" feature - The Project View "Report" is missing
8/3/2022 - this is on the schedule to be corrected
8/4/2022 - this has been resolved in production
Feature Requests
- Add a comment control to the project add/edit
- Add a "Dashboard" tile to the Home Screen
- Add support for themes to the new UI mode
- Add ability to drag/drop items on the work list to put into a custom order
- Add ability to sort projects under a "group by" in a custom order rather than by name
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