In every reporting display you have the option to Group By and Sub Total your results to improve visibility. Order is important in this feature - if you Group By two types of data, the system will group by the one type first and then group by the second data type under that. Similar to indenting twice.
Group By - this will group your data by the common piece of information that you choose in the Column field. If you choose Resouce on a Time Entry Report, the report will group all of the Time Entries by Resource.
Sub Total - this will total the data either by the whole report if you have not done a Group By or at the bottom of each group. The sub totals will show up at the bottom of each data set in a yellow field.
Both - this option will take both the Group By and Sub Total action on the Column you choose.
These are all of the types you can group or sub total your data. You can run multiple combination of Group Bys and Sub Totals to get a wide variation of views for your data.
Sort Direction
Only two options here, Ascending and Descending. Ascending is the normal choice as it gives you the oldest data first and newest data last. Up to how the viewer likes to report their data.
If checked before you hit the Add icon, the data under that group will display as expanded rather than collapsed which is the default.
Add Icon
It is easy to forget to hit this button but if you do, your report will run WITHOUT the Group By or Sub Total specifications. Make sure you click this (+) button to enact the options you chose.
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