The moment has arrived! In response to your feature requests, Project Insight has a new way to "Add Tasks" to your Project's Task List:
From the "+ Task" icon in the top left corner of your task list, the fourth option allows for "Import tasks."
Everything you need is available in the Import from Excel screen:
Download PI Template: Launches an Excel Template with all the fields the import supports. Column Header names MUST match what is in this template, otherwise the column data will not import.
Summary Task: Add Tasks to an Existing Summary Task or leave blank to add to the bottom of the project
Choose File & Upload: It's as easy as saving your file and uploading it
Couple of Quick Tips: The only tricky part is knowing what the columns mean in the Excel template
- Task ID: Put whatever you want in here, it only affects the import
- Parent ID: Use the Task ID to determine Task and Summary Task - create as deep of a hierarchy as you'd like
- Name: Task Name (REQUIRED)
- Is Appointment: for using the Appointment Calendar this designates the task as an appointment
- Duration: Project Insight supports days, weeks, months, even partial days
- Work Hours: The import supports however you would enter work hours in Project Insight
- Start Date: Set the dates with a "Start no earlier than" constraint or leave blank to allow predecessors to work their scheduling magic
- End Date: Set the dates with a "Start no earlier than" constraint or leave blank to allow predecessors to work their scheduling magic
- Resource: import one or multiple Resources but make sure the name of the column is singular: "Resource"
- The name will only add to the Task List if the user already exists in PI - use the FULL name of the user's Profile
- When adding multiple resources a comma is required to separate the different resources
- Predecessor: Use the Task's name to set Finish to Start predecessor
- Description: The description to be used on the task describing the work
- WBS: Work Breakdown Structure number associated with this task
- Resource Type: If resource types are used in the system what resource type should be used for this task
- Task Type: If task types are used in the system what task type should be used for this task
- Expense Code: If expense tracking is enabled in the system what default expense code should be used when expense are added to this task
- Time Code: If time tracking is enabled in the system what default time code should be used when time are added to this task
- Work Status: Current work status of the task
- % Comp: Current percent complete of the task
- Custom Fields: column name must match the name of the custom field
1 comment
This simple Excel import option is limited to the data fields on the template. Adding columns not on the template will not work. If additional columns are required, you may contact us to request a proposal for additional functionality. For do-it-yourselfers, you will find many options to POST data using the REST API.
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