You may notice the Project Insight export options allow you to export to Excel, PDF and CSV. When you export, any charts or graphs do not export.
Browsers have matured over the years to allow you to print to PDF from the browser print menu. Follow along with these steps (using Chrome as the example):
While displaying the report, take Project Insight into "Print Friendly" mode using the printer icon in the top right navigation.
Select print from the browser's menu or keyboard shortcut 'ctrl+p'
However you get there, change TWO important settings:
- Change "Destination" (for Chrome) to say SAVE AS PDF - otherwise, you are printing to your printer
- Expand "More Settings" to check the option "Background graphics" - this option will print the charts
- (You may want to set the "Layout" to Landscape to print better, but try it out)
Hit Save, and select where you want the file saved. (You know this part). It will save as an Adobe Acrobat Document.
Retrieve as normal with the following result:
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