By navigating to the Reports menu, you can create a report of all or a filtered view of Company Rate Cards.
Date Range Types
The initial display above includes the option to select date ranges for the report.
All Dates - Chooses all items regardless of the dates. This option is not available for all reports or filters (so may not appear in the drop down list). As a caution, when it is available, it is recommended that it is used only with small sets of data, otherwise your results will be very large and it may take a long time to generate the report.
Dynamic Dates - Are a preset ranges of dates that are commonly used, such as current week, current month, last month, next year and that change automatically. If a report is saved with these settings or a filter is remembered with these settings, the next time report is run of the filter is applied, the date range will change automatically relative to the current date. For example, if the current month is October, selecting "Current Month" as a Dynamic Date Range will automatically set the date range to Oct 1 to Oct 31st. If the current month then becomes November, the date range will reset automatically to Nov 1 to Nov 30. The report or filter does not have to be changed as the range changes automatically.
Specific Dates - These are specific dates that are entered and you control what the range is. If a report is saved with these settings or a filter is remembered with these settings, those specific date ranges will be saved as well and when the report is re-run or the filter applied, it will always use those exact dates, they will never change.
Companies is available as a drop-down of existing companies.
Include In-Active Company Rate Cards enables you to also view inactive Rate Cards.
After selecting your display options for the report click on the run report icon to view your report. You can continue to update and change the display options and re-run the report as needed until you have your desired results.
See Sharing Reports, Scheduling Reports via Email and Saving Reports documentation.
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