Navigate to the Add-Ons page > Work Schedule Add-On. Click the hyperlinked name of the schedule will allow you to change the schedule's details.
Clicking the edit icon will edit the name or active status, so click the hyperlink.
The Default Workdays page or the Holidays, Non-Workdays and Special Days tab (keep reading).
The second page sets the days PI should not plan project work:
This calendar's Non-Work Days
You will need to maintain these dates on an on-going basis.
Enter the holidays, non-work days and special days for as far into the future as you know preferably before you start to plan or enter projects for that year.
- One click will make the day a Non-Working Day
- Two clicks will let you choose what type of Non-Working Day it is
- Please Note: These dates are not yet saved in the database
- This is just creating a working list of holidays
- Do not leave this form until you hit Re-calculate Schedules
- Hitting Re-calculate will save your changes
- Option to Send an email to PMs along with those changes
- To delete a Non-Working Day, make two clicks and hit Delete on the opened box
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