You may wonder why we offer multiple options for non-work days in Project Insight:
To be honest, all of these options are exactly the same to Project Insight's intelligent scheduling. Selecting Non-Working Days, Vacation, PTO, or Leave of Absence will all prevent assigned work for that project or user on the days you enter.
The reason you would use the different options?
- Because you plan to look at this page to know what the user selected?
- To help users feel better about entering their own Work Schedule?
- Any reason that would help user adoption
- Tell us more reasons in the comments below
For more information, see How can I manage my Resources time off? article.
Non-Default Times will change the times the resource is available for the dates specified.
For example, if the user plans to leave one Friday at noon, they can enter a non-default work time for that Friday date and say "8:00am to 12:00pm." This will show on resource allocation reports they will not work on project work after noon on Friday.
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