Simplicity and efficiency are the core of the Project Insight for Zendesk Support Add-On. There are very few configuration options. The processes are up to you and your team.
Tickets from Zendesk into Project Insight
Your support team handles tickets all day long in Zendesk Support. If you want to send these tickets to Project Insight:
- You must send all tickets with the "Automatically create PI Issue" setting
- Tickets will appear in the Zendesk Tickets folder
- From that folder, you can:
- Attach the PI Issue to a PI project
- Turn the PI Issue into a PI task
- Create a Resolution Project from an Issue
- Perform any other action you would with a PI Issue
You will want to send Zendesk tickets to Project Insight if your tickets:
- Affect a project schedule, deadline, or budget
- Are large enough of an effort to reflect individually in Resource Allocation
- Need non-support team members or project managers
- Should be a part of reporting for a project, program or portfolio
Your PI administrator decides if all tickets transfer to PI automatically or if Project Insight is the source of creating tickets instead.
Project Insight tasks become Zendesk tickets
If your project management team needs the assistance from the support team, you could ask the support team to log in to Project Insight... or you could send the tasks you need completed to the software solution they already use.
Zendesk provides automatic queuing of tickets, so PMs can assign tasks to those using Zendesk with the push of a button:
Ultimate question:
Do you want all tickets to become PI issues?
Do you want to send specific PI tasks into Zendesk as tickets?
In either situation
Once PI creates the ticket or Zendesk creates an issue, any collaboration performed in either Zendesk or PI will automatically show in the other software.
If you find the information isn't sending, check your configuration options for the update options below:
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