The Project Insight Base JavaScript library contains basic utilities to interact with the Project Insight web application. The code of this library is based and built on top of jQuery.
Frequently used classes such as: UITools, FormTools, MathTools, BrowerTools and MFImg are delcared automatically as a global field in the application. Here is an example how to use the GetFormElementValue method, which will retreive the value of any form element within Project Insight, including custom controls:
var myValue = FormTools.Get("FormElementId");
Once referenced, you will be able to use the library to leverage Project Insight forms to develop or enhance the way the input fields set or get values. Please reference this article to familiarize how to use JavaScript within Project Insight forms.
After reviewing the article above, you can continue with the next tutorial, which has an in-depth learning curve of Project Insight form and user defined fields.
After reviewing the article above, you can continue with the next tutorial, which has an in-depth learning curve of Project Insight Report Forms With JavaScript.
Click here for a full reference of the MetafuseBase.js library.
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