Project Insight Markup Language (PIML) is a specialized markup language for retrieving data from Project Insight. PIML describes data objects within the Project Insight SDK semantically and has the ability to designate formatting, filtering and sorting options. PIML is designed to be used with the PI SDK and therefore PIML will always have a base SDK object as a reference point from which all PIML will be interpreted. For instance, if a SDK User object is designated as the basis for a session of PIML usage, then the SDK will assume that all PIML should be replaced with data that relates directly to a SDK User object.
To learn more about the Project Insight SDK object model and the properties that are available to use with PIML, please review the PI SDK documentation.
- The Basics
- Working with Singular Properties
- Working with Collection Properties
- Special Cases for Microsoft Word
- PIML In Action
The Basics
PIML has three main tags:
- <$F> - Outputs the form label name for a SDK singular property. (see "Working with Singular Properties" below)
- <$V> - Outputs the value for a SDK singular property. (see "Working with Singular Properties" below)
- <$C> - Provides a way to access a SDK collection property. (see "Working with Collection Properties" below)
Working with Singular Properties
The <$F> and <$V> tags are used to retrieve property names and values. (Please note, the <$V> tag is not intended to be used with collection properties. For collection properties see "Working with Collection Properties" below) In it's simplest form it will look like this:
<$F>Name</$F>: <$V>Name</$V>
If, in the above example, the base SDK object is a User object with a user named Jane Smith and the default label has not been customized then the result would be:
Name: Jane Smith
If, however, the base SDK object is a project with a name of "My Super Important Program" and the default label for "Name" has been customized to "Program", then the same PIML would result in:
Program: My Super Important Program
PIML can also traverse the object structure to access nested properties like this:
Optional Attributes
The <$F> and <$V> tags also support the following optional attributes:
- Prefix - Prepends the specified value to the front of the property label or value.
- Suffix - Appends the specified value to the end of the property label or value.
- FormatMask - Provides a way to format the property ($V) value. This is most useful for dates. NOTE: You must use standard C# format mask syntax.
Case - Specifies that the returned value should be upper or lower case. The case is determined by the following values:
- 0 = No change (the same as omitting the Case attribute)
- 1 = Uppercase (The following values are also accepted: upper, uppercase)
- 2 = Lowercase (The following values are also accepted: lower, lowercase)
AnchorType - Specifies that the returned value should be an HTML anchor tag. The format of the anchor tag is determined by the following values:
- 0 = No Anchor (the same as omitting the AnchorType attribute)
- 1 = Relative Edit (returns an anchor tag with a relative URL to the edit form)
- 2 = Relative Display (returns an anchor tag with a relative URL to the display form)
- 3 = Fully-Qualified Edit (returns an anchor tag with a fully-qualified URL to the edit form)
- 4 = Fully-Qualified Display (returns an anchor tag with a fully-qualified URL to the display form)
- AnchorAttributes - Specifies a string of HTML attributes that should be added to the anchor tags.
- DefaultValue - Specifies a value that should be used when the desired property has no value.
An example of using the Prefix attribute:
<$V prefix="My name is ">Name</$V>
My name is John Smith
An example of using the Suffix attribute:
<$V suffix=" is my name.">Name</$V>
John Smith is my name.
Formatting Values
Sometimes it is desirable to format certain values. A common instance is DateTime values. In some cases you may only want to display the date portion and omit the time. You could accomplish this with the following PIML:
<$V formatmask="MM/dd/yyyy">CreatedDateTimeUTC</$V>
If the DateTime had a value of 2/28/2016 12:35:45.123, the result would be:
An example of using the Case attribute:
This action was performed by <$V case="upper">Name</$V>
This action was performed by JOHN SMITH
HTML Anchors
Sometimes a link to the object is desirable. You can do this by using the anchor attributes:
<$V AnchorType="3" AnchorAttributes="style='font-weight:bold;' class='myCssClass'">Name</$V>
<a href="/object/id" style='font-weight:bold;' class='myCssClass'>John Smith</a>
Working with Collection Properties
The <$C> tag is used to reference a SDK collection. Please note that it does not output any values on it's own. It must be used with the <$F> and <$V> tags to output values from items in the desired collection. Let's look at a simple example:
<$C:Users> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/> </$C:Users>
Notice that the <$C> tag includes a colon followed by the name of collection property, in this case ":Users". This would loop through a collection of SDK User objects found in a property named "Users" and might output the following list:
Smith, John Smith, Jane Public, Johnny White, Mary Black, Peter
Headers and Footers
You can add PIML header and footer sections to a collection with the use of <$CH> and <$CF> tags:
<$CF><tr><td>TOTAL USERS</td><td><$V>UserCount</$V></td></tr></table></$CF>
Example Result (assumes the target object has a property named "UserCount" and 5 items in a "Users" collection property):
<table><tr><th>Last</th><th>First</th></tr> <tr><td>Smith</td><td>John</td></tr> <tr><td>Smith</td><td>Jane</td></tr> <tr><td>Public</td><td>Johnny</td></tr> <tr><td>White</td><td>Mary</td></tr> <tr><td>Black</td><td>Peter</td></tr> <tr><td>TOTAL USERS</td><td>5</td></tr></table>
Optional Attributes
Like the <$F> and <$V> tags, the <$C> tag also supports the following optional attributes:
- Prefix - Prepends the specified value BEFORE the first item in the collection.
- Suffix - Appends the specified value AFTER the last item in the collection.
- ListDelimiter - Specifies a string that will be inserted in between every result within the collection.
- MaxResults - Specifies the maximum numbers of objects allowed in the collection.
- SortProperty - Specify a property name on which to sort the collection.
- SortDirection - Specify a sort direction. (0 = ascending, 1 = descending)
- GetAllByPropertyName - Specifies the name of a property which contains a value (see GetAllByPropertyValue below) by which the collection should be filtered.
- GetAllByPropertyValue - Specifies a value by which the collection should be filtered using the GetAllByPropertyName attribute to determine which property holds the value.
- GetAllByPropertySearchType - Specifies the type of search to perform when the GetAllByPropertyName and GetAllByPropertyValue attributes are used. Valid values are "Equal" and "Contains". The default search type when not specified is "Equal".
- ItemIndex - Specify a zero-based index value that limits the collection to that one object.
- CollectionFilterDateTimePropertyName - Specify a date/time property name by which to filter the collection.
- CollectionFilterDateRangeStart - Specify the earliest date/time for the desired range
- CollectionFilterDateRangeEnd - Specify the latest date/time for the desired range
- DateRangeType - Specify a dynamic date range
Prefix and Suffix
The prefix and suffix attributes are useful for situations where you want to add formatting to the beginning and end of the collection. For instance, if you want to show the list as a numbered HTML list you can use the Prefix and Suffix attributes like this:
<$C:Users SortProperty="LastName" Prefix="<ol>" Suffix="</ol>"> <li><$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V></li> </$C:Users>
<ol> <li>Smith, John</li> <li>Smith, Jane</li> <li>Public, Johnny</li> <li>White, Mary</li> <li>Black, Peter</li> </ol>
Creating Lists
Sometimes it is desirable to output a delimited list of values. To do that use the ListDelimiter attribute to specify the text to be used as a separator:
<$C:Users ListDelimiter=", "> <$V>Name</$V> </$C:Users>
John Smith, Jane Smith, Johnny Public, Mary White, Peter Black
Limiting Results
To limit a collection to a maximum number of objects use the MaxResults attribute like this:
<$C:Users MaxResults="4"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/> </$C:Users>
Then the result would only output the first 4 objects:
Smith, John Smith, Jane Public, Johnny White, Mary
What if you want to display the list in alphabetical order? The PIML might look like this:
<$C:Users SortProperty="LastName"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/> </$C:Users>
Then the list would output like this:
Black, Peter Public, Johnny Smith, Jane Smith, John White, Mary
If reverse alphabetical is desired:
<$C:Users SortProperty="LastName" SortDirection="1"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/> </$C:Users>
Then the list would output like this:
White, Mary Smith, John Smith, Jane Public, Johnny Black, Peter
What if you want to limit the list to only users whose last name contains Smith? The PIML might look like this:
<$C:Users GetAllByPropertyName="LastName" GetAllByPropertyValue="Smith" GetAllByPropertySearchType="Contains"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/> </$C:Users>
Then the list would output like this:
Smith, Jane Smith, John
Smithson, James
Whitesmith, Fred
If you want to limit the list to a specific date range then you can use the date range filters like this:
<$C:Users CollectionFilterDateTimePropertyName="CreatedDateTimeUTC" CollectionFilterDateRangeStart="1/1/2021" CollectionFilterDateRangeEnd="12/31/2021">
<$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/>
Instead of specific dates you can also specify a dynamic date range:
<$C:Users CollectionFilterDateTimePropertyName="CreatedDateTimeUTC" DateRangeType="LastYear">
<$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V><br/>
ItemIndex - Target a Single Object in a Collection
If you want to output only a single object from a collection the PIML might look like this:
<$C:Users ItemIndex="0"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V> </$C:Users>
With an ItemIndex value of 0, the collection is limited to the first item in the list and the result might look like this:
Smith, John
Then reason the result might look like the above is that a collection is not guaranteed to be in any particular order. In order to target a specific object it would be better to sort the collection:
<$C:Users SortProperty="LastName" SortDirection="0" ItemInddex="0"> <$V>LastName</$V>, <$V>FirstName</$V> </$C:Users>
Then you can be sure that the same object is output every time:
Black, Peter
Special Cases for Microsoft Word
PIML also offers the ability to customize formatting within Microsoft Word documents when used in conjunction with the Microsoft Word Report Templates add-on. Specifically, a special <$V:Microsoft-Word> tag can be used.
Set the background color of a Word table cell
To set the background color of a table cell within a Word document, place the following PIML inside the desired table cell
<$V:Microsoft-Word AppliesTo="TableCellBackgroundColor">[COLOR_PROPERTY]</$V>
Set the border color of a Word table cell
To set the border color of a table cell within a Word document, place the following PIML inside the desired table cell
<$V:Microsoft-Word AppliesTo="TableCellBorderColor">[COLOR_PROPERTY]</$V>
PIML In Action
PIML can be used in a variety of situations. For example, PIML provides the power to customize Word documents with data from Project Insight within the Microsoft Word Report Templates add-on in Project Insight. Go try it for yourself!
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