Please note that these examples may vary case by case.
See our PI#enterprise Add-Ons for the latest method to Customize Form JavaScript & CSS settings.
Requirements: Knowledge of Custom Item types in Project Insight, experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and programming concepts and practices in general.
An updated browser that can support the latest W3C specifications such as: HTML5, CSS3 and other scripting languages and extensions.
This tutorial uses the latest version of Google Chrome.
To customize a Project Insight Report (Project, Task, Issue, etc.), you will first need to install the Add-on for Customize Form JavaScript & CSS Settings under the Project Insight Administration settings.
In this example we're working with existing reports, so click on the global report icon and either load an existing saved report or load a new report.
We want to edit this form to add JavaScript to the report. To do this, click on the Show Additional Editable Text link at the bottom of the web form.
The window that loads is the JavaScript and CSS forms. Here, we can specify actions and change settings. For example, we can edit the current form by applying JavaScript.
In the Form Text box control, you can apply your JavaScript to fire off when the form loads.
This particular example will focus on calculating two Project Insight task fields and setting a custom field with the calculated value at run-time. To learn more about how to create custom fields, please visit this article: User Defined Fields & Forms (Custom Items) With JavaScript
Below is an example of how to best access data within the report form headers, rows and cells. If you have followed previous tutorials and are comfortable using custom fields and JavaScript then you'll be able to get/set values using jQuery.
Full code snippet template. Please modify to reflect against your test environment!
//Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded. $(function() {
//Perform first function when the page loads
//Perform the recalucations if the form reloads due to an AJAX call
$("#A_runReportActiono_Item_0").on('click', this, function() {
//Need to call the function on every load
setTimeout(function() {
//Code to call
}, 6000);//set to 6 second delay due to larger data sets
var workBillableExpenseColIndex = 0;
var workExpenseColIndex = 0;
var markupPercentColIndex = 0;
var markupPercentColName = 'cs_CustomField13';
var lastRowIndex = $("#t tr").length;
//This function finds and sets the values before calucations
function preCalculateMarkupPercentage() {
$('#t th').each(function() {
var thId = $(this).attr("id");
if (thId == 'cs_WorkTotalExpenseBillable') {
workBillableExpenseColIndex = $(this).index();
if (thId == 'cs_WorkTotalExpense') {
workExpenseColIndex = $(this).index();
//Change to custom field # referenced when creating
if (thId == markupPercentColName) {
markupPercentColIndex = $(this).index();
var workBillableExpenseVal = 0;
var workExpenseVal = 0;
var markupPercentTD;
$("#t td").each(function(index) {
if ((lastRowIndex - 1) != $(this).closest('tr')[0].sectionRowIndex) {
if ($(this).index() == workBillableExpenseColIndex) {
workBillableExpenseVal = $(this).text();
if ($(this).index() == workExpenseColIndex) {
workExpenseVal = $(this).text();
if ($(this).index() == markupPercentColIndex) {
markupPercentTD = $(this);
calculateMarkupPercentage(workBillableExpenseVal, workExpenseVal, markupPercentTD)
function calculateMarkupPercentage(wbeVal, weVal, markupPercentCFElement) {
wbeVal = wbeVal.replace(/[$,]+/g, "");
weVal = weVal.replace(/[$,]+/g, "");
var markupPercentVal = parseFloat((wbeVal - weVal) / parseFloat(wbeVal));
if (!isNaN(markupPercentVal)) {
$(markupPercentCFElement).text(parseFloat(markupPercentVal * 100).toFixed(1) + '%');
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