Accessing the Time Entry Grid
Use the My Insight menu and click the Time Entry Grid within the Time section
Or use the My Work section:
Each time entry period will display tasks assigned to you, even when marked "Done"
Access to other time periods can be reached through the use of the Previous / Next Week buttons
Time entered in the grid will also be visible from the Time Entry Worksheet
Using the Icons (top right corner)
Using the page display icon in the upper right corn allows you to customize Page Display Options on your Time Entry Grid
The Expand/Collapse icons opens and closes the Group-Bys
Using the Time Sheet icon will open a dialog box to submit your time sheet.
Previous Week | Next Week
Your Time Entry Period is predefined by your Administrator in your Time Sheet Settings
The Time Entry Grid gives the ability to move backwards and forwards through the previous and next weeks
Entering Time
Just type the number of hours in the box corresponding with the correct task and date. That's it!
Make changes to your entries
You can change any entry on the Time Entry Grid by clicking into the box you want to change and using the layer:
When you click the highlighted hyperlink (above) the typical layer for editing time allows you to make changes without leaving this page:
Add Projects and Companies
PI wants to give you as much access as it can with the least amount of navigating as possible. If you want to Add more Projects or Companies to this list of Time Entry on the Grid, choose the "Add Option."
Enter Time on Non-Working Days
If you are worried about entering time over the weekend or any non-working day then this checkbox will be of great use. In the Page Display Options, simply check the box that says "Include inputs for Non-Workdays (Shutdown, Leave of Absence)" and you will have the following view. Saturday's and Sunday's now appear!
Submit Options
Submit Time Sheet will save and open a dialog box to allow you to submit the time sheet.
Done will take you to the previous screen
The Time Entry Grid auto-saves your time entries
1 comment
I can set Group Bys in the Page Display options?
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