So you know you can create:
- Default Work Schedule
- Multiple System-Wide Work Schedules
- Work Schedules for each User
- Work Schedule for specific Projects
Finally, and most specifically, you can create a custom schedule and apply that schedule to one task as a time!
Who would want to do that?
The most common case is a task that can only be done on a Saturday. Maybe it's a task that requires taking systems down or offline, so you have to do it on a Saturday (or after hours, etc.).
The niftiest part about this feature is if a schedule moves and needs to push the custom-scheduled task, the task will bump to the next Saturday. How cool is that?!?!?!?
Before selecting the Task's Custom Schedule
Before you can select a Work Schedule for a task, you must add the schedule to the project.
Project Managers, Project Schedulers and PMO Managers can edit the Project Work Schedule.
In the Project Work Schedule tab, use the View/Edit Project Work Schedule button to add a potential Task Work Schedule to the list. See the example below of "Saturday Schedule":
Give the schedule a name and select which System-wide Schedule this schedule Inherits From.
From this page you can also edit the Default Workdays and Holidays, Non-Workdays and Special Days for just this project.
Add a Custom Schedule to a Task
Project Managers, Project Schedulers and PMO Managers can edit the Task Work Schedule.
- Right click in the gray space of the task
- Don't click the hyperlink or you'll get the browser right-click menu
- Edit Task (inline) menu
- Edit Task (full)
A task's work schedule inherits its schedule from a combination of all the scheduled above.
Select the dropdown "Work Calendar"
Selecting a Task calendar will override any other scheduling options outlined in the Work Schedules Overview.
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