Time may be entered for tasks using the Time Entry tab from the task detail screen. Other methods for time entry, without the use of the task detail view, are covered in the Dashboard updates, Time Entry Worksheet and Time Entry Grid topics.
Entering Actual Hours on a Task's Time Tab
Task List
On the go, enter your time task by task by clicking the Work Status for each task. A modal will pop up where you can comment, update the status and enter time.
Task Detail Page
Once you click into the actual task you will see the Task Detail page, which has an easy "Add Time" button at the top next to the Status button. Similar to the Time Entry Grid, a modal will pop up to enter your time in.
A History of Task Time Entries
At the bottom of the Task Detail page there are tabs labeled, "Time" "Expense" "Dependencies" etc. Open the Time tab to see all of the time entries on the task and/or enter more.
Date should indicate the date on which the hours were spent. Click the calendar icon to choose a date from the interactive calendar, or enter the date manually in the date entry box.
Time Code indicates the billing code that should be used categorizing the time spent. Click the drop-down for a list of time codes.
Act. Hours is for entering the actual hours spent.
Act. Rate is for entering the actual rate.
Bill. Hours is for entering the hours that will be billable.
Bill. Rate is for entering the rate to bill the entry.
Description is for a brief explanation of how the time was spent.
Is Billable will designate whether or not this time entry should be billed. Click to check the box if the time entry should be billed.
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