Administrators set Default Project Options globally. These control how all projects and their tasks function. All projects use these default settings at project creation.
Project managers, project schedulers or PMO managers are allowed to change these Project Options.
Accessing Project Options
To access each project's individual project options:
- While the project is displayed, hover on the Views menu option and selection Options.
- The Project Options form displays, with the Default Options tab automatically showing.
For more information on the other tabs in this section see Cross Project Dependencies, Project Baseline, Project/Task Health Indicators and Custom Work Schedules.
Project Options
Projects can be configured to function in different ways depending on requirements for managing the project.
There are three different sets of options that can be changed at the project level:
- Project Options - controls functions for the overall project
- Project & Task Rate Settings - turn on/off functions that apply to all tasks
- Default Task Options - set default options for each individual task
Project Options and Project & Task Rate Settings apply to the project. These aren't defaults. These are the actual project level settings. For Task Options though, these defaults that are set and are automatically applied to all tasks, but they can then be changed at an individual task level as required.
In a lot of organizations, all projects may be managed in exactly the same way. The system administrator will set up default options once in the Administration section and then those settings will be applied automatically to every project and task created. Project managers, schedulers, or PMO managers won't need to change anything.
In other circumstances, projects or tasks may be managed differently. In those cases, the project will still be created with the default settings from the administration, but then project managers, schedulers, or PMO managers will change them as required on an individual project by project basis.
For more information on setting the project and task default options in the administration section, see Default Project Options.
In situations where projects are created from templates, then the default project and task options are inherited from the settings in the template. The default settings from the administration are not used. Again, project managers, schedulers or PMO managers can change the settings on that project as required.
Project Options
These options apply to the project overall.
Use the Resource's Personal Work Calendar
Using the 'Use the resource's personal work calendar when adding resources to the project' will set this option as the default selection for each new resource added to the project. Using the personal work calendar forces the project schedule to adjust tasks in accordance with the personal schedule for the resource, even if the resource's work schedule has conflicts with this project.
For example, a resource may have a schedule that defines a work day as four hours, while the project schedule may be defined with work days of eight hours. A resource assigned to a one day duration task in the project would automatically adjust to a two day duration in order to accommodate the fact that the resource's day is valued at only one-half the duration of the project schedule day. Similarly, the project tasks will increase task durations to accommodate any non-work time (vacation days) that are included in the resource's personal work schedule when the resource is assigned to a task that is scheduled within the time frame of the resource's non-work time.
Limit Issue User Assignment to Project Resources
If you normally want Issues within projects to limit the assignment of the issue to only those resources assigned to the project, you can check this box to enforce that restriction.
Limit Issue User Assignment to Project Resources
If you normally want To-Dos within projects to limit the assignment of the issue to only those resources assigned to the project, you can check this box to enforce that restriction.
Project & Task Rate Settings
This section turn on/off functions that are applicable to all tasks and sets defaults for lead and lag (which can then be changed when setting up dependencies).
Use Rate Cards (if set) on tasks, task assignments, and time entries by Resource Type or Rate Card default
You can apply rates to tasks based on the Resource Type for a particular skill set as defined in a rate card. I.e. Project Management work will be billed at the Rate Card hourly rate for a Project Manager regardless of the specific Project Manager assigned to the task.
Enable Resource Type to be set by task assignment (Used in conjunction with rate card rates by Resource Type
While it is normally recommended that only one resource type is assigned to a task, this option allows for multiple resources with different Resource Type assignments to have varying rates. This option should not be used without a complete understanding of work rates, and only if work rate variances for multiple resources within a single task are required.
Task Predecessor defaults to Lag
This sets all task predecessors to default to lag instead of lead. This is a default only. When a predecessor is added, lead or lag can be set as required.
Default Task Options
This section set defaults for how each individual task functions.
These settings only apply to new tasks that are created. They do not retrospectively apply to already created tasks unless, you check the option to "Apply to all tasks". If that option is checked, once the settings are saved, all tasks will be updated automatically to have these settings. Use caution when doing this, because any individual task settings will be over-written with these ones.
Auto-Populate Work from Duration When Work is Not Set
The 'Auto-populate work from duration when work is not set' feature will pre-fill any null (blank) work values on the task based on a default value of one resource assigned to the task with 100% allocation. For example, entering a five day duration will pre-fill 40 work hours in a task which has no previously assigned value in the work field. The work field can be manually changed from 40 hours to any other value, but it will default to 40.
Auto-Populate Duration from Work When Duration is Not Set
The 'Auto-populate duration from work when duration is not set' feature will pre-fill any null (blank) duration values on the task based on a default value of one resource assigned to the task with 100% allocation. For example, entering 40 work hours will pre-fill five days of duration in a task with no value in the duration field. It can be manually changed from five days to any other value, but it will default to five.
Enables the Task to Capture Time
If resources are expected to track time for most of the tasks in most projects, you will want to set this option as the default so that tasks entered in the project are automatically set to allow time entries. This value may be changed individually for each task on a task-by-task basis during the task add or edit process to differentiate those tasks which should have time entries from those which should not.
Enable the Billable Flag Checked by Default When Entering Time for the Project or Task
Enables the billable flag to be checked by default when entering time for the project or task.
Enable a Task Resource the Ability to Toggle Billable Flag When Entering Time for the Project or Task
Enables the resource the ability to toggle the billable flag when entering time for the project or task. Each time entry will have an equal hours value in the 'Billable Hours' to the 'Actual Hours' entered by the resource if the flag is set on (Billable box checked), and a value of 0 'Billable Hours' regardless of the 'Actual Hours' value if the flag is set off (Billable box not checked). This option should only be allowed if the resources entering time are highly dependable in determining which time entries should and should not be billed.
Enables the Task to Capture Expenses
If resources are expected to track expenses to most of the tasks in most projects, you will want to set this option as the default so that tasks entered in the project are automatically set to allow expense entries. This value may be changed individually for each task on a task-by-task basis during the task add or edit process to differentiate those tasks which should have expense entries from those which should not.
Enable the Billable Flag Checked by Default When Entering Expenses for the Project or Task
Enables the billable flag to be checked by default when entering expenses for the project or task and will set all of the expense entries on this task to billable by default.
Enable a Task Resource the Ability to Toggle the Billable Flag When Entering Expenses on the Project or Task
Enables the resource to toggle the billable flag when entering expenses for the project or task' and will allow the resource to switch the billable flag on or off while entering expenses. Each expense entry will have an equal monetary value in the 'Billable Expense' to the 'Actual Expense' entered by the resource if the flag is set on (Billable box checked), and a value of 0 'Billable Expense' regardless of the 'Actual Expense' value if the flag is set off (Billable box not checked). This option should only be allowed if the resources entering expenses are highly dependable in determining which expense entries should and should not be billed.
Enable Resources to Edit Custom Fields on Tasks
Enables a task resource to edit custom fields for tasks on the task display form and sets up existing custom task fields for editing in the resource task update form. Custom task fields are configured by system administrators, while control as to whether or not the resources can edit these fields for tasks assigned to them is maintained by the project manager for each project. The project manager may choose to allow the resources to update custom field data or maintain control of the custom fields by only allowing the project managers access to editing the data in the custom fields.
Allow Task Owner to Set Actual Start and End Dates
Task owners may update actual start and end dates for their tasks with this option. This allows project managers to see the actual performance dates for the tasks, as entered by the task owners, which may differ from those dates on the schedule. The actual and planned scheduled dates are maintained in separate data fields so that changes to the actual dates do not have to force changes to the schedule.
Automatically Calculate Task Schedule Based on Actual Start and End Dates
'Automatically calculate task schedule based on the actual start and end dates' will change the project schedule when actual dates entered by the resources differ from the scheduled dates entered by the project managers. This will only occur if the percent complete for a task is greater than 0. This setting is only recommended for project managers who understand that the schedule will change without their intervention as resources update tasks. For example, a resource updating a 4 day duration task to 25% complete one day before its scheduled start date will automatically update the task schedule to start one day earlier than the original schedule.
The Actual Start Date Can Be Set When the % Complete is Set to 0% Complete
Enabling 'The Actual Start Date can be set when the % complete is set to 0% complete' will allow the user to place an Actual Start Date value even if the % complete is set at 0. Thus, this bypasses the default setting which will not allow a user to set an Actual Start Date if the percent complete for a task is not greater than 0.
Work Percent Complete
Enables the Work Percent Complete to be calculated by individual task assignment and allows each resource to update % complete.
Task Actual Start Date Auto-Population Type
Each task has an actual start date (which is the date it actually started versus the date it was scheduled to start). Project managers can change or enter the actual start date and if the option Allow Task Owner to set the actual start and end dates is checked (see above) then the task owner can also enter or change this date. In addition, tasks can have the actual start date automatically populated in different ways. The PM or task owner can always change that default unless one of the options with "...No Editing Allowed" is used. In that case the actual start date is automatically populated based on the setting and then can't be changed
- No Auto Population will require that the actual start date is filled in manually. Otherwise, the actual start date remain null/blank.
- Scheduled Date will change the actual start date/time to match the scheduled start date/time as soon as the percent complete for the task is changed to something other than 0% complete.
- % Complete Updated Date will change the actual start date to match the date that the task is changed from a percent complete of 0% to a percent complete of greater than 0%. The start time will be set to be the same as what is set in the task's work calendar start time for that day.
- % Complete Updated Date, No Editing Allowed is the same as above without an option to change the date/time with a manual entry override.
- % Complete Updated Date & Time will change the actual start date and time to match the date and time that the task is changed from a percent complete of 0% to a percent complete of greater than 0%.
- % Complete Updated Date & Time, No Editing Allowed is the same as above without an option to change the date/time with a manual entry override.
- Time Entry Date, when Updated will update the actual start date/time to match the date/time of the earliest time entry in the task.
- Time Entry Date, when Updated, No Editing Allowed is the same as above without an option to change the date/time with a manual entry override.
If one of the % Complete options are used and a task is marked to 100% complete, the actual start date will be automatically entered, but if the percent complete is then changed back to something other than 100%, the actual start date will be removed.
Task Actual End Date Auto-Population Type
Each task has an actual end date (which is the date it actually ended versus the date it was scheduled to end). Project managers can change or enter the actual end date and if the option Allow Task Owner to set the actual start and end dates is checked (see above) then the task owner can also enter or change this date. In addition, tasks can have the actual end date automatically populated in different ways. The PM or task owner can always change that default unless one of the options with "...No Editing Allowed" is used. In that case the actual end date is automatically populated based on the setting and then can't be changed. The actual end date cannot be entered unless the task is completed (100% complete).
- No Auto Population will require that the actual end date is filled in manually. Otherwise, the actual end date remain null/blank.
- Scheduled Date will change the actual end date/time to match the scheduled end dat/time upon completion.
- % Complete Updated Date will change the actual end date to match the date that the task is changed to a percent complete of 100%. The end time will be set to be the same as what is set in the task's work calendar end time for that day.
- % Complete Updated Date, No Editing Allowed is the same as above without an option to change the date/time with a manual entry override.
- % Complete Updated Date & Time will change the actual end date and time to match the date and time that the task is changed to 100% complete.
- % Complete Updated Date & Time, No Editing Allowed is the same as above without an option to change the date/time with a manual entry override.
- Time Entry Date, when Updated This option isn't applicable to the actual end dates
- Time Entry Date, when Updated, No Editing Allowed This option isn't applicable to the actual end dates.
If one of the % Complete options are used and a task is marked to 100% complete, the actual end date will be entered, but if the percent complete is then changed back to something other than 100%, the actual end date will be removed.
Default Task Adjustment Type
Task schedules must calculate with a formula which measures the resource(s) work allocation to the task (% of Resource’s Workday), the duration within which the work will be performed (Task Duration) and the amount of work required for the completion of the task (Resource’s Work). You may select the default calculation for new tasks to use based on the value which is most difficult to mathematically determine during the task data entry. Based on the value selected in this drop-down selector, the other two values will need to be entered by the project manager. This calculation may be changed at the task level on a task-by-task basis using a drop-down selector in the task form which is identical to this one.
% of Resource’s Workday is the default, as it is the most commonly used and the easiest to understand. This calculation allows the project manager to set a schedule based on the duration of the task, while manually entering the total work (hours) to complete the task. The system then automatically calculates the percentage of each of the resource’s workdays that will need to be allocated in order to complete the task.
Resource Work allows manual entry of the duration and the % of resources workday, then uses those values to automatically calculate the total work that will be applied to the task.
Task Duration allows the manual entry of the total work and % of resource’s workday. This setting will calculate the duration automatically after the task is submitted. If multiple resources are assigned to the task, the duration will calculate based on the duration for the resource who requires the longest duration to complete the task. The % of resource’s workday for all other task resources will adjust in accordance with the duration value calculated above.
Project Default Constraint Type
At the project level, we encourage users to use ASAP after Project Start.
Saving the Settings
Click to save your settings and update any existing tasks (if you clicked Apply to all Tasks).
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