Thresholds to determine whether a project is performing within the expected tolerances can be set by a Project Insight administrator at the global level.
The thresholds determine when to show the yellow or red indicators on reports or on on your tasks list. The unit measurement thresholds (currency and hours) and percentage thresholds are "or" conditions, meaning that either threshold will trigger the indicator.
TIP: The hours/dollars catch the big projects & tasks and the percentages catch the smaller ones.
Example 1 Small project: You have a project that is 120 hours in total. Using the defaults in the screenshot below, the project will never be Behind Schedule since the project doesn't even have 160 hours in it. However, if the project is behind by 12 hours (10%) it will be considered "yellow" and if it's behind 24 hours, it will be considered "red".
Example 2 Large project: You have a project that is 4,000 hours in total. Using the defaults in the screenshot below, the project will hit the Behind Schedule hours threshold of 160 hours to be considered "yellow", well before it would hit the 10% (400 hours) percentage threshold.
ANOTHER TIP: There are no "green indicators". if you don't see a yellow or red indicator, it means your project is fine
YET ANOTHER TIP: If you've been running your project with the out-of-the-box threshold settings and update your defaults per this article, make sure you check the 'Apply to all Projects" box below each value you changed. this will update existing projects with the new threshold values
(Project indicators only enabled)
(Project & Task indicators enabled)
Behind Schedule:
The project/task is behind schedule with the yellow/red status when the completed work (earned hours) is less than the scheduled work (planned hours) by the amount OR percent specified.
TIP: It is key that your team members (which is basically everyone assigned to tasks) update their tasks' work status or percent complete as those updates directly impact whether this indicator is triggered or not
Over Accomplished Hours:
The project/task is over accomplished hours with the yellow/red status when the actual hours exceed the completed work (earned hours) by the amount OR percent specified.
TIP: This indicator is only valid if you are using time entry
Over Budget:
The project/task is over budget with the yellow/red status when the actual cost exceeds the completed cost (earned value) by the amount OR percent specified.
TIP: This indicator is only valid if you are using internal burden rates for labor and/or expenses. Also see Work Estimate Rate Flow
Over Budget Billable:
The project/task is over budget billable with the yellow/red status when the billable cost exceeds the completed cost billable (earned value billable) by the amount OR percent specified.
TIP: This indicator is only valid if you are using external billable rates and/or billable expenses. Also see Work Estimate Rate Flow (with Contracts) and Time Entry Work Flow
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