Resources for a task can be added, edited or deleted right from the task list or Gantt Chart view.
To do this, the Resource column must be showing. This is a default column that displays. If it is not showing, turn it on, see Page Display Options for more details.
- Invoke adding or editing of a task. See Quick Task Add/Edit for more information.
- Cick the Add Resources hyperlink in the Resources column of the task you're adding or editing.
- The Edit Resources layer appears.
- From here you can add resources to the task, edit the information about an existing resource or delete resources.
- When you are done adding, editing or deleting resources, click
to save the changes and exit out of add/edit mode or click
to stay in edit mode and continue editing the other task details (Note* the resources changes aren't yet saved if you do this, you will still have to save the task by clicking the Save icon
for the task).
To Add a Resource
The System Administrator and/or the Project Manager will have configured your system to set what data is entered for each resource. The following explains all the data fields available but only certain ones may show on your system. Enter the resource information applicable to your system.Resource
Use the drop down to select a resource for this task. Only resources who have been previously added to this project will appear in the drop down list (see Add Resources to Projects). To narrow the information in the list, start typing in the resources first or last name and the list will narrow to display only those matches. Click on a resource to select it.Task Owner
If there will only be one resource on the task, then this resource will be the task owner. However if there will be multiple resources, a single task owner must be selected. One will always be set by default, but you can click on the radio button in the Task Owner column to change it. You may have settings turned on to only allow task owners to update task status. You can also run task reports by task owners.Work
The number of work hours that it is expected that it will take this resource to do the task.Note* This column will appear depending on your task settings. If you are auto-calculating the Resource Work, then this won't appear because it will be calculated automatically. See the Default Task Adjustment Type topic in the Default Project Options for more details.
% of Day
The percentage of the resources work day that they will be working on this task.Note* If you are auto-calculating the % of Resources Workday, then this won't appear because it will be calculated automatically. See the Default Task Adjustment Type topic in the Default Project Options for more details on how this works.
Res. Type/Role - Assignment
The Resource Type/Role that this specific user will be performing for the task.Note* This column only appears if you will have multiple resources assigned to one task and they may have different roles on the task. See the Enable Resource Type/Role to be set by Task Assignment topic in the Default Project Options for more details on how this works.
If you have multiple resources on the task but they are going to have the same resource type/role, then you may not want to enter that role here for each individual resource. Instead you can just enter it once in the Resource Type/Role column for the task.
Burden ($) and/or Bill Rate ($)
Depending on the settings chosen by the project manager, you may also be able to select a Burden ($) and/or Bill Rate ($) for the resource to apply to this particular task. Normally however, burden and bill rates are entered and maintained elsewhere (see Project Costing Rate Flow). You would only enter rates here, if you were not using the standard rate flow or there was an exception for this one task.- Burden ($) represents the cost per hour in dollars for the resource. Entry for any specific resource will override the default Burden ($) entry calculation for the task whenever this resource enters time for this task.
- Bill ($) is the billing rate per hour for the resource. Entry for any specific resource will override the default Bill ($) entry calculation for the task whenever this resource enters time for this task.
Click on the add icon to add the resource to the task. Then, if needed repeat for any additional resources that will be assigned to the task.
To Edit Resource Information
On the Edit Resources layer, click in the data fields you need to change and change them.To remove a Resource from a Task
- To remove a resource from a task, click the Delete icon
for the resource.
- If there is more than one resource, and they have been assigned work hours, an additional message appears asking how you want to manage the work hours that were assigned to this resource. For example, you can remove that resources work hours entirely or you can split the work hours between the other resources, divide the total amount of work hours evenly across the other resources or add the work hours to one of the remaining resources. Ensure you read the message carefully and choose the correct option (although you can still adjust the work hours later).
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