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Add Task - Predecessors



  • Junpei Liang

    Hi Alex,

    Are these options applicable to Start/End (Schedule) Date or Actual Start/End date? 

  • Wes Kliewer

    Predecessors will change the start/end date scheduled, but not the actual dates. The actual dates are changed based on other settings to compare the schedule versus the actual. For example, the actual can be set to change based on the date a resource updates that they started and the date they update that they completed it.

  • Junpei Liang

    Thank you Wes. 

  • Junpei Liang

    Wes, one more question.

    What if we have the following option enable "Automatically Calculate Task Schedule Based on Actual Start and End Dates“

    User updates the task's actual start date ahead of planned start date. Since we the option above enabled, it will update the planned start date as well, and assuming the task has lag option Finish-to-Start and its predecessor is not yet 100% completed. What will happen?

  • Margaret Campbell

    Hello Junpei,

    Once the resource marks the predecessor task complete, the successor task's start date will adjust due to your "Automatically Calculate Task Schedule Based on Actual Start and End Date" settings.

    This setting can delay your project plan if a task's actual end date is later than the schedule OR accelerate your project plan if a task's end date is earlier than expected.

    This feature is very powerful, but it also adjusts your schedule automatically, so you have to keep a close eye on resource's updating their tasks correctly.

  • Junpei Liang

    Thank you Margaret. 


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