There are three methods for adding predecessors to a task while in the Quick Task Add/Edit mode:
1. by adding a task number into the Pred. By # field.
2. by using Add as Predecessor to Form.
3. by clicking the Add Predecessors link within the line.
Task Dependencies
Adding Predecessors by Task Number in the Task List
Create a Project - Predecessors by Number
Adding predecessors by task number in the task list is done by typing in the number of the predecessor as referenced in the Task Number (Task No.) column into the predecessor by number (Pred. By #) column. The following steps should be reviewed when learning to use this feature.
1. You will need to use the "Task No." and the "Pred. By #" columns from the project’s Page Display Options. The example below displays these columns in the third and fourth columns.
Note: The task numbers will not always be in list display order in the task list. Task numbers are assigned at the time the task is entered and are neither changed nor reused within a project.
2. When adding or editing a task, enter in the task number of the predecessor into the "Pred. By #" column. Multiple predecessors in the "Pred By #" column are separated by a comma(,). In the above example, task 5 has task 2,3 & 4 as predecessors.
3. Entering in a task number in the "Pred by #" column by itself will set the predecessor as a finish-to-start relationship to the task with a lag/lead duration of zero. To set other types of predecessor relationships and to add lead or lag use the following syntax along with the predecessor number:
a. FS (default which is assumed and does not display) - Sets a finish-to-start relationship.
b. FF - Sets a finish-to-finish relationship.
c. SS - Sets a start-to-start relationship.
d. SF - Sets a start-to-finish relationship.
e. Additionally, you can set lead and lag duration at the same time. Use the following syntax :
i. Use a positive number with the plus (+) sign to set lag.
ii. Use a negative number with the minus (-) sign to set lead.
iii. Use a positive number with the plus (+) sign and the letters 'ed' to set lag over elapsed days – calendar days vs. business days.
iv. Use a negative number with the minus (-) sign and the letters 'ed' to set lead over elapsed days – calendar days vs. business days.
An example of a task with a start-to-start predecessor relationship and 1 elapsed day duration of lag with task number 6 would read 6SS+1ed.
Using the Add As Predecessor to Form Icon
The icon is found by right clicking on the Task List screen. This Add Predecessor Link method adds the task as a predecessor to the task currently in edit mode with the default values of a Finish-to-Start relationship and no lead or lag time. Changing these predecessor and lead/lag values from the editing view requires the use of the second add predecessors method, the Add Predecessors link from within the task being edited.
Using the Add Predecessors Link
This requires the selection and addition of each predecessor to the list. While in the edit mode on a task, click on the link to Add Predecessors. You will see an interface similar to the following. If a predecessor already exists, the link will display the name of a task predecessor instead. To get to the layer, click on the name of the predecessor task instead.
Click the Task drop-down box to pick from the list of tasks in your current project or if you have set up Cross Project Dependencies you will be able to also chose from those projects.
Apply any additional predecessor values (lead, lag and constraint type) and use the Add icon to include the predecessor.
The already existing predecessors appear in a list directly above the drop down boxes. Editing a predecessor already in the list requires the use of the Edit Predecessor icon to the right of the predecessor in the list. This will load the predecessor data into the edit fields for changes, which are subsequently saved by clicking the Update Predecessor icon.
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