Constraints set rules for scheduling a task based on:
- the relationships between Tasks
- the dates set by the Project Manager
- A combination of both relationship and dates
Constraints Types
As Soon As Possible - ASAP after Project Start
Adjust the start date of the task to the earliest possible date that the predecessor tasks will allow. If there are no predecessor tasks, it will automatically adjust to the start date for the project.
As Soon As Possible - ASAP after Task Created Date
Adjust the start date of the task to the earliest possible date that the predecessor tasks will allow. If there are no predecessor tasks, it will automatically adjust to today's date. This constraint is especially helpful when executing projects and adding tasks to a project that is already underway.
Finish No Earlier Than
Adjust the task start date, if necessary, so that the schedule for the task does not finish prior to the constraint date specified.
Finish No Later Than
Adjust the task start date, if necessary, so that the schedule for the task does not finish later than the constraint date specified.
Must Finish On
Adjust the task start date so that it finishes on the constraint date specified.
Must Start On
Adjust the task start date so that it starts on the constraint date specified.
Start No Earlier Than
Adjust the task start date, if necessary, so that the schedule for the task does not start prior to the constraint date specified.
Start No Later Than
Adjust the task start date, if necessary, so that the schedule for the task does not start later than the constraint date specified.
"Must" or "No Later Than" constraint types can force a task into an impossible schedule. These constraints will override any conflict within the predecessor relationships and force the schedule based on the constraint date instead of the dependency relationship.
Constraints may be necessary for planning events where the date cannot be changed. See our Projects with Fixed End Date article for more information.
For Templates: Do not set Constraint Dates templates because the dates will not correctly carry over to the new project.
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