System Administrators can now close and reopen Approvals - it's not just for Requestors anymore
Those using IE 11 were experiencing issues adding a Resource and using the Project Status Board, those issues are now resolved
- Microsoft is Sunsetting IE and because of that, PI had to send a patch out specifically for IE 11
- IE 11 is the last version of IE that PI supports and may experience bugs from time to time because it is an older browser
Our invoicing process was restructured to load faster
The PI System Message had a bug that was fixed in sending to only active users of that instance
Creating an Approval or Proposal from a Project Request no longer duplicates in it's display
For 2 Tier Approvers when a time sheet was rejected by a PM, the Final Approver can no longer approve on the Time Sheet Approval list
Updates to the Quickbooks integration logic
Released 6/13/19
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