Taking Project Insight from now to next - or from #team to #platform - is as easy as searching our Add-Ons.
From anywhere in PI, use the Add-Ons to view the add-ons you've enabled and the Get Add-Ons to enable more add-ons:
Installed vs Get More Add-Ons
The list of all installed Add-Ons appears first, then toggle to the other tab to see other Add-Ons ready to be installed.
To learn more about an Add-On or install it:
- Expand the Add-On you wish to edit with the carat
- Install adds the Add-On to the Your Add-Ons list
- A layer will take you to the next Configure phase, if applicable
- See the Add-On's Getting Started page for more information about potential Add-Ons and their Configuration
- Some options offer the following choices:
- Getting Started links to help documentation and videos
- Configure allows the admin to change the settings of the Add-On
- Disable will leave the Add-On on this list, but users cannot access its features
- Uninstall removes the Add-On from this list
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