Proposal line items are the things you are selling your customer. You’ll add them to your proposal as either "time" or “expenses”. Time is labor you are selling and expenses or non-labor like software or machine costs or products you sell.
Adding line items directly from your proposal
- On the proposal, click [Add Time].
TIP: Use this same method to [Add Expense] line items - On the Time Deliverable - Add screen
a. Line # - use this to arrange the order your line items show on the proposal.
TIP: Use increments of 10 in-case you need to insert another product in between two other products
b. Name – this is the name for the line that, if you send this to a customer, they will see it
c. Resource Type - this is the kind of resource you are using for this deliverable and is tied to the rate card
c. Expense code – this is the invoice-able time code (many times referred to as a billing code). This will transfer to an invoice record if you are using the invoice record feature
d. Hours – Enter in the number of hours for this deliverable
TIP: This field is QTY for expense line items
e. Rate – this will be populated from the rate card you selected when you created your proposal. If you are not using rate cards, just enter your price per hour in here
f. Total – will calculate hours X rate
g. Description – this is an area you can add in more details about the line item
h. Invoice Line Item Option
1) Group By - allows you to type in free form text to group the line items on your proposal. E.g. If your proposal has both labor and materials on it, type in Labor for all labor line items and they'll be grouped together and Materials for all non-labor line items to group them all together
2) Calculation Type - this is preset to "Fixed Total, Hours/Qty & Rate/Unit Price" and it the calc type used in this article. Using the "Fixed Total" only option allows you to just enter in the total without hours & rate - [Save]
Adding Proposal Line Items from a Project
If your process is to build out a project plan and then create the proposal from your plan, you can do that too.
- Create your project paying attention to your WBS. You can auto-create proposal line items from either the first or second level of your WBS. In this example, I'm going to create a proposal from this project using the top level of my project's WBS. I will get 4 proposal line items
- Mouse over Views and select Invoice Records and Proposals (this will only say Proposals if you are not using invoice records)
- Click on the [Add] button in the proposals section
- Fill in the proposal info as you normally would and [Save & Display Proposal]
TIP: All the project information (Name, company, rate card, etc. will auto-transfer to your proposal, so there should be little to do when creating your proposal - From the proposal, click on the [Add from Project] button
- In the Add Deliverables from Project layer, select the method you want to use
- [Add Top Level Tasks]: adds tasks that are > $0 in Work Billable Total from the very top of your WBS. This is what I'm doing in this example
- [Add Second Level Tasks]: adds tasks that are > $0 in Work Billable Total from the next level down in your WBS
- [Add Single Task]: you can select any task in your WBS, summary or regular task, and add it to your proposal. - Once you select the method, it will auto-save
- The proposal will now have the desired line items on it
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