If you have multiple Resources on a Task, you might need to track the progress of each Resource's Work Status, which might differ on each Task. This option can be enabled in the Project Administration Settings under Default Task Option.
When Enabled
On the Task Details page under "Assignment Details" you can see how Resources can be on different Work Statuses.
Now when you see the Status progress for your Resources, you will see that Dylan Wright is Done and Mark Vendor is Not Started - as displayed in the Resource Allocation Report below.
Roll up Status in Summary Tasks
The Work Status of child tasks can be updated from the task list, but for the Status to be correctly updated in the Summary Status it should be done from the Assignment Details on the task page.
- Assignments must have Work (hours) assigned to them - see below section
- Update the Work Status on the Assignment Detail page shown in the screenshot below to have that Status roll up to the Summary Task
When a Resource has Zero Hours Assigned
The Task will only be updated by the Work Status marked by a Resource WITH Work hours.
- Since Henry Tech has no Work hours (zero), his Status updates will not effect the "doneness" of the task
- Bill Bixby does have Work hours (8.00) so he can mark the task "Done"
- This is regardless of who is Task Owner
If you follow this logic to the Project Resource Allocation Report - the task will only leave the Resource's view after the Resource with Work hours marks it "Done," in this case Bill Bixby.
Not Enabled
When this box is not checked, the Task Work Status will be controlled entirely by the button at the top of the Task Details page. Updating this will reflect the Work Status of all Resources on the Task.
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