Default Project Options in the Administration section, is where the most commonly used options for projects are set so they don't have to be set for each individual project. This saves time, enforces process and ensures consistency.
There is also a tab to set default options for tasks. See Default Task Options for more information.
Accessing Default Project Options
Only System Administrators can change the Default Project Options.
- Expand out Administration section.
- Click on Projects. This will automatically display the Default Project Options form. Optionally, click on the sub-menu under projects called Default Project & Task Options.
How Project Default Options Work
Most of the settings on this form are defaults only and can be changed on an individual project basis as required. See Project Options for setting/changing project-level settings on a project-by-project basis.
These settings are applied automatically to new projects except where you create a project from a template. If a project is created from a template, then the settings from the template are used instead of these defaults.
Apply to All Projects
Some of the options on the form have an Apply to All Projects check box.
If you change these settings and there are already existing projects, the settings on those projects won't be effected by the changes unless you click on the "Apply to all projects" check box that's available. Checking this will change settings for all projects in the Active, Planning and Template state. Note it will over-ride any options set individually on those projects so use caution when checking this option.
Default Project Options
Enable Project Manager the ability to add resources to projects they manage
Using the 'enable project manager the ability to add resources to projects they manage' will allow all project managers to add resources. If not selected, only Resource Managers can add resources to projects. This is a global setting that applies to all projects and can't be changed on a project by project basis.
Use the Resource's Personal Work Calendar
Using the 'Use the resource's personal work calendar when adding resources to the project' will set this option as the default selection for each new resource added to the project. Using the personal work calendar forces the project schedule to adjust tasks in accordance with the personal schedule for the resource, even if the resource's work schedule has conflicts with this project.
For example, a resource may have a schedule that defines a work day as four hours, while the project schedule may be defined with work days of eight hours. A resource assigned to a one day duration task in the project would automatically adjust to a two day duration in order to accommodate the fact that the resource's day is valued at only one-half the duration of the project schedule day. Similarly, the project tasks will increase task durations to accommodate any non-work time (vacation days) that are included in the resource's personal work schedule when the resource is assigned to a task that is scheduled within the time frame of the resource's non-work time.
Enable agile burn down time entry
Burn down time entries are used as a replacement for resource time entries only if resources are not entering actual time. This option is available so that less detailed time entries can be made by the project manager for burn down chart data without requiring time entry from the assigned resources. Options in this selection at the global settings level (not at an independent project options level) will allow an inactive user who is not on the project to be a "burn down time entry user" and also set a "burn down time entry code." These settings are used to add time entries to the exact same time entry system as resources would other wise use if resources are not entering their actual time for the sprints. This option should be used exclusively for managing sprints in an environment with a well-defined agile project management process.
Limit Issue User Assignment to Project Resources
If you normally want Issues within projects to limit the assignment of the issue to only those resources assigned to the project, you can check this box to enforce that restriction.
Limit To-Do User Assignment to Project Resources
If you normally want To-Dos within projects to limit the assignment of the issue to only those resources assigned to the project, you can check this box to enforce that restriction.
Default Project & Task Rate Settings
Use Contract Rates (if set) on task assignments and time entries by Resource Type or contract default
You can apply rates to tasks based on the Resource Type for a particular skill set as defined in your Contracts (i.e. Project Management work will be billed at the contract hourly rate for a Project Manager regardless of the specific Project Manager assigned to the task).
Enable Resource Type to be set by task assignment (Used in conjunction with contract rates by Resource Type)
While it is normally recommended that only one resource type is assigned to a task, this option allows for multiple resources with different Resource Type assignments to have varying rates. This option should not be used without a complete understanding of work rates, and only if work rate variances for multiple resources within a single task are required.
Auto-Populate Resource Rates from user profile when adding resources
Note* This option is only applicable to certain versions of Project and may not appear in your version. This sets the project to automatically add the resource rates in the project to the same rates as in the resource's user profile upon being added to the project. This option is normally not selected if rate changes to the user profile are intended to immediately reflect in the project. More information on the rate lookup should be reviewed in the Work Rates Overview to assist in making a decision for this setting.
Auto-Populate Rates on Task Assignments from corresponding project resource rates
Note* This option is only applicable to certain versions of Project and may not appear in your version. The Auto-populate rates on task assignments from corresponding project resource rates' feature will automatically enter the rate in the task for the resource assigned based on the rate entered for the resource on the project. Not checking this box will default each task rate to a null value when the resource is added to a task. More information on the rate lookup should be reviewed in the Work Rates Overview to assist in making a decision for this setting.
Task Predecessor defaults to Lag
This sets all task predecessors to default to lag instead of lead. This is a default only. When a predecessor is added, lead or lag can be set as required.
Saving the Settings
Click Save to save your settings and update any existing projects (if you clicked Apply to all Projects). Note* Clicking Save will also save any changes that were made on the Default Task Options tab.
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