Import users from a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file. You can use this method for adding new users or making mass updates to existing users.
For more information about Users see article.
Steps for creating an import file:
- Export a CSV file from the Administration > User list to use as the template for your import
- There is a Quick Select option in the Display Options named Default User Import
- This ensures you use the required and most common data columns for the user import
- Quick Tip: You may want to place a filter on the user list prior to the export to minimize the number of existing users in the file
- Quick Tip: You may want to export one user in the export as an example for the data fields needed
- Modify the data in the file to contain only new users
- Optionally, you can leave existing users in the file to update those users with your changes
- Save your Excel file as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook file
The format of the Excel file must be used as-is without modification to any data cell formatting prior to the import. Adding a space to a field header or changing a capital letter to a lower case letter in the field header will skip that column upon import.
The import file must contain the following required fields:
- Username (unique and used to determine if it this user is an update to an existing user or a new user to import)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
The import process will take you through the following steps:
- Prompt for the Excel file to import
- List the users available to import
- This page REQUIRES a checkbox by each user to import - DON'T MISS THIS
- Confirm the completion of the import with a list of the imported users
Project Insight will send "Set your Password" emails to all newly created users if the Active column says "yes".
The configuration option to use a Windows password (on-premise option only) will not generate a password.
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