Links are used to reference data from other web applications.
Setting the Administration
- Under Administration > Integration > Link/Map Configuration can predetermine links you use often:
- Enter a Name for your Link under Link/Map Group Name
- Click the hyperlink to configure the URL and its parameters
- In the following example, we'll build a link to Google Maps:
- Click the Add button to start your first parameter
- You can make multiple Maps under one Link, so don't let that scare you
- Set your parameters
- We want this first link to take us to a Google Maps Address
- So I called the Link/Map Name "Address" and called it a "Shortcut"
- For the External URL, I typed: https:// www. google. com/maps/place/+{0}+{1}
- Weird huh. All those squiggle brackets...
- But turns out that {0} and the {1} stand in for the Parameter Label #1 and Parameter Label #2 values
- See it!?!?! Isn't it cool!?!?!?!
Adding a Shortcut
- Add a Shortcut anywhere Shortcuts are allowed
- You'll see the Add Shortcut page
- Give your shortcut a name - usually a pithy nickname to tell you where the link is taking you
- Select the Map you've already created:
- When you select the Mapped Link, PI will fill in the rest for you:
- You just give us the Street Address and Zip Code
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