Search can be used to find keywords, and advanced search options are available for narrowing down results on more specific data criteria.
The Search function can be accessed by clicking the Search icon in the top level menu options.
The Search section will expand out. Enter the text to search in the white bar. Click the Search icon again to start a simple search.
Simple Search
A simple search will search all items types in all data that is search-able. (If you want to search only certain item types or enter other search criteria, see the Advanced Search function).
If multiple words are entered, "and" logical is automatically applied, i.e. all the words must exist in a single field in order for it to be selected as a match. The words don't have to be in the exact order entered in the search field. For example, there is a project named New Product Development. If the words New and Development are entered as search terms, it will select this as a match and display it.
The text entered is not case sensitive. For example, if the words NEW and development were entered, it would find the project named New Product Development.
If you want to search for exact terms, encase the text in quotations. For example, the words "New Product" encased in quotes would find the project named New Product Development. The words "New Development" encased in quotes would NOT find the project named New Product Development.
To apply "or" logical, enter the word "or" between the search terms. For example; New or Software would find any items that had the word New or the word Software.
Advanced Search
To apply additional criteria to the search, click on the Advanced text next to the search box. The Advanced Search function can also be accessed via the Reports menu option, click on Reports icon from the global menu and click on the Miscellaneous category of reports.
Entering the search terms in the Keywords section. Note* A search term does not have to be entered when doing Advanced Searches. It can be left blank and other search criteria entered instead. For example, if you want to see all the items that a certain user entered within a certain period you can do that. In that case, you wouldn't enter any text in the Keywords section, you would leave it blank so you can see all items that user entered not just those with certain words.
Click on the Advanced Search Options section to expand that out and enter additional search criteria.
Type - To narrow the search to only certain item type(s), click in the drop down and select the item type(s) you want to search.
Created By - To narrow the search to only items created by certain users, click in the drop down and select the user(s).
Updated By - To narrow the search to only items updated by certain users, click in the drop down and select the user(s). Note* this searches the users that last updated an item. For example, Jill edited a project. Then Bob edited the project. If you searched for updated by and entered Jill, the item wouldn't be found. If you searched for updated by and entered Bod, it would be found.
Created Date - To narrow the search to only items created during certain dates, click in the drop down and enter the date ranges.
Updated Date - To narrow the search to only items last updated during certain dates, click in the drop down and enter the date ranges.
Search only in item name - To narrow the search to only search in item names and not any of the other searchable data, check that.
If multiple criteria is entered, it is treated as "and" search. For example, you enter a search terms and select a user and a date range, all those criteria must be true in order for the item to be selected.
Invoking the Search, Viewing the Results and Saving the Search
Click the search button to start the Search.
The Search results will be displayed along with the search criteria.
Click on the name to go to the item or click on any of the additional hyperlinks in the path to the item (displayed below the name) to go there.
The Search criteria can be saved so that it can be easily invoked again. Note* the search results are not saved, the search criteria is saved. If something changes and you invoke a saved search, the results displayed will be real time data.
Click save report button to save the Search criteria. See Reports for more details on saving a report.
Data that is searched
The following is the data that is searched using this function:
Items Names
Other Text Fields
Custom Fields that are text input control types such as Text Box and Text Area.
Results will include keywords indexed from the following file types for files which have been uploaded into Project Insight:
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Adobe Acrobat*
The Adobe Acrobat .pdf format requires a third-party add-in which is included in the hosted application services, but may not be present on customer installed servers.
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