Improvements with the Item Description field:
- Hovering over the task Description no longer causes viewing issues and lines over the text
- Clicking a link in the Description no longer opens the Description for editing and then takes you to the link, now it just takes you to the link
Improvements to the Notifications feature:
- The notification alert icon on the top right of the screen now caps at "99+" rather than "100"
- Now when you click the notification icon it will take you directly to the notifications page
Hovering over the task on a Project Gantt Chart no longer blanks out the Duration and Work Hours field on the pop up.
Scheduled Reports had a bug that prevented them from going out, that was for a short window and now has been resolved.
Improvements to the Import Task from Excel feature.
Continued improvements to the Jira - PI integration.
Continued improvements to the Trello - PI integration.
Completed Task Assignment is now correctly reflected on the Resource Allocation Report.
Sunsetted the Materials view as a default in the Project Views.
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