Expense Codes categorize the type of expenses you are incurring or consuming as you complete projects.
Some of these expenses are passed through to the customer (billable expenses) and some are just the cost of doing business, but tracking these expenses help you know if your project is on budget - Are you making money on the work you're executing?
If your first question is Do I want to use Expense Codes? The answer is no.
Expense Codes are a necessity for most teams, and most teams have codes predetermined in their accounting software already.
If this is true, export those expense codes and get them into PI all at once with the Import Expense Code option.
Add Expense Codes
If you prefer adding codes without automation or need to make an edit, this is your page:
The default columns are easy:
- Name
- Billable?
- Active means are these codes available for selection
There are additional columns available in the Page Display Options in the top right corner of the page:
Advanced Code Configuration
Do you want to limit expense codes to only Tasks, Projects, or Companies?
Must it ALWAYS be billable?
Expense Type: Now this may be helpful!
- Materials: If the Expense Code should be available to use on the Materials Entry Grid, select Materials for the code's type
- Mileage: Not used in this feature, but helpful if you track mileage expenses
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