Time-phased allocation data can provide a budget forecast, revenue forecast and resource allocation requirements.
Create a Project Resource Allocation Report
In the Reports home of Project Insight, Project Resource Allocation Report is the first option under Resource reports:
Click the Create Project Resource Allocation Report button to get started.
Display & Filter Options
Filter for the desire results
Like all reports in Project Insight, you first narrow down which types of projects or tasks you want to see from the following filtering criteria:
- Date Range Options filter out projects that fall within certain date ranges
- Resources filters the resources by their Departments, Companies, or specific name
- Companies & Rate Cards will narrow the results to only project associated with a specific company
- Projects can narrow by Type, PM, etc.
What information do you want to know about those projects?
The next set of options asks which data fields are important to you.
Charting adds up to four charts to display line graphs, bar charts, or pie charts.
Work Rows will compare the fields about Hours and Time:
- Graphs by hours in the period or percentage of the period
- Work is the Work Hours for the time specified
- Actual Entered Hours sums the Time Entries for the time specified
- Billable Time is billable hours multiplied by the billable rate
Cumulative is used primarily for charting to see a line graph grow as the values accumulate.
How do you want that information displayed?
Now that you've chosen your projects and what you want to know about those projects, tell the report how to group the information:
For example, you could use the Date selection at the top of the filtering options to say "Show me information for the current year" but then use the Group By section to break down that information month by month (see above).
Roll Ups also allow you to total and sub total the information based on Company, Project State, Project Type, Resource or Resource Type (just to name a few).
When you're finished, run the report to see the results:
The gray bar highlights the values for each project.
Use the triangle carats to expand and collapse according to your Group By selections.
Quick Tip: Use the Tools icon to expand/collapse rows all at once:
Save, Share & Schedule
Continue reading the following articles for using the options at the bottom of ALL reports:
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