From almost every page in Project Insight you can choose your display preferences.
Use the Display Options icon to select change whatever view you currently see.
Don't want to read? Watch the Page Display Options video instead.
Below is an example selector from the Task List view:
You may save your Selected Columns as one of your Quick Selections. Administrators may save column display options as global Quick Selections.
If you are unsure what some of the Columns mean, check out the Tool Tips for ALL of them.
Note: A project task list, project Gantt chart, or folder will remember the column display options you last viewed for that project or folder. These selections do not change the display for any other projects or folders nor for any other users.
Status & Predecessor Filters
You can create filters that adjusts what tasks you see on the Project Task List, like dropping off tasks marked as Done. See Task List Filtering article for more.
Using the Column Display Options Functions
Column List Vertical Sizing
is used to expand (lengthen) the vertical sizing of the lists for the Available and Selected Columns list boxes.
is used to collapse (shorten) the vertical sizing of the lists for the Available and Selected Columns list boxes.
This allows a user to view more column selections in the display without having to scroll.
Display Selections
Add to the Selected Columns from the Available Columns.
Remove from the Selected Columns to the Available Columns.
Setting Your Column Order Tip
You can choose where the column will appear in the Selected Columns:
- Highlight the Selected Column below where you want to see the new column
- Double click a single Available Column OR
- Click the Add
icon for multiple Available Columns selected
Column Display Order
The Selected Columns list order determines the display order on the page.
Changes to the display order can be made one at a time or in multiples.
The column display order can be changed using:
Moves the selected column or columns up
Moves the selected column or columns down
Column Properties
Column width is in pixels
Text wrap is a checkbox
It may be easier to set the column width using the drag and drop functions on the display page.
Quick Selection Save
Each user can build a list of column selections based on their own preferences and save it as a Quick Selection.
Data Row Display Order by Column Heading
Column headings with hyperlinks may be used for sorting the display data in ascending or descending order.
Ascending or descending order is indicated by the up or down arrow.
Changing the primary sort column will move the previously selected sort order for other columns into secondary sorting columns.
Freeze Header and Split Table Options
Freeze the Header and the column titles will remain in place for your reference as you scroll down a large number of rows.
The invoke the Split Table, use the selection from the drop-down to "Freeze Header and Split Table," or right-click to use the selector from within the column header.
Select the "Freeze Header and Left Panes" option on the column which you would like to use as your last column on the left for the split action.
Show Baseline as Separate Row
Display your baseline data in parallel with current data as a row underneath the current project data in task lists, task reports and project reports.
Baseline data may also display as columns by choosing your baseline columns from the available columns.
Gantt Chart Specific Options
Gantt chart displays have additional settings to control the range of dates displayed and the scale to chart within the chosen date range.
More information for these settings may be found in Understanding Gantt Charts.
Folder Specific Options
Folder display options differ in that they have different available columns.
There is no vertical width setting for columns on the folder views.
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