A Project Scorecard is used to prioritize projects based on weighted scoring as defined by your organization.
Name is the only required field. Whether you want weight balance to occur or not.Balance Wt. (Weighting) Factors is a calculation that ensures all weights given to each Critical Success Factor (CSF) or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) adds up to one (1).
e.g. your scorecard has 4 Critical Success Factors with the following weights:
1. CSF 1 - 50%
2. CSF 2 - 20%
3. CSF 3 - 15%
4. CSF 4 - 15%
By checking the Balance Wt. Factors box, Project Insight will validate that all CSFs add up to 1. If the box is unchecked, then the weighting of CSFs and KPIs is free form.
Start Date of the scorecard - This is for reference only. No calculations or validations are performed based on this date.
End Date of the scorecard &endash; This is for reference only. No calculations or validations are performed based on this date.
Active makes the scorecard active. Note: you can only have one active scorecard at any one time. If you wish to make a different scorecard active, you first need to inactivate the current scorecard.
Edit and Delete icons on each existing line are used to edit or delete the data in the line. In use project status names can be edited, which will update the project status in all respective entries.
Save and Cancel icons will always display on one line. The line on which these icons are displayed is either a new project status or an existing project status which is currently being edited.
Building Out Your Scorecard
Once you have created a scorecard, you will need to fill it out with your company’s Goals, CFSs, and KPIs. Your scorecard can be as simple or complex as you care to make it. A simple scorecard would only have goals on it while more complex scorecards would include the CSF and KPI levels.
- Goals - These are the broad categories for scoring. Typical goals are "Strategic," i.e. does the project meet overall company strategies, "Financial," "Compliance," etc.
- Critical Success Factors (CSFs) - These are the factors that go into achieving the goals, i.e. for a Financial goal the CSFs might be "Revenue Generating," "Cost Reduction," etc.
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - These are the factors that go into achieving the CSFs, i.e. for Generates Revenue the CSFs might be "Proven revenue potential by existing customers," "Expands customer base," etc.
Add Goals
Click on the name of the scorecard from the scorecard administration screen. You will be taken to the Scorecard Factors screen where you can define Goals, CSFs and KPIs.
From the Scorecard Factors form, enter:
1. The Goal name
2. Business Rules - This free form field provides Project Managers (PMs) guidance as to what the Goal is and how they should score their project as it relates to that Goal.
3. Weighting Factor - Use this field if you want to weight your Goals. Weighting allows you to emphasize one company strategy over another. Weights are entered in as integers representing percentage values. (e.g. enter 50 if this Goal should be weighted as 50% of the overall Goal score).
Note: You do not have to use weighting. If there are no weighting factors set up, the raw score will be used.
Note: You can only go to two decimal places on your weights, i.e. 33.33. If you enter in more decimal places, the number will be rounded.
4. Exclude from Weighting - You can elect to exclude a Goal from weighting which will give it a higher score. A typical reason to exclude a Goal from weighting is in regulated businesses. Regulated companies will always have a Goal for "Compliance." Compliance projects in regulated companies are not optional so to ensure that compliance projects always get scored higher, exclude the Compliance goal from weighting.
5. +/- To Score - This is checked by default and will add the values set by the PM to the project’s score. There may be instances where a Goal would reduce a project’s score. If that is the case, uncheck this box for that Goal.
6. Display Order - Enter in the order in which you want the Goals to appear in the project add/edit form. This is entered as an integer. The order of the Goals will be ascending by number entered. A blank in the display order will appear first in the list. If there are more than one Goals with the same display order number (or blank), they will be sorted by name in ascending order.
7. Active? - This box is checked by default. Only active goals will be included in the total score calculation for a project.
8. Click the Save button
Add CSFs to a Goal
Click on the Add Critical Success Factor icon on the row of the Goal you wish to add CSFs to. A row under the goal will be inserted for you to add in the CSF.
In the new row enter:
1. The CSF name
2. Business Rules - This free form field provides Project Managers (PMs) guidance to what the CSF is and how they should score their project as it relates to that CSF.
3. Weighting Factor - Use this field if you want to weight your CSFs. Weighting allows you to emphasize one CSF over another. Weights are entered in as integers representing percentage values. (e.g. enter 50 if this CSF should be weighted as 50% of the overall CSF score).
Note: You do not have to use weighting. If there are no weighting factors set up, the raw score will be used.
Note: You can only go to two decimal places on your weights, i.e. 33.33. If you enter in more decimal places, the number will be rounded.
4. Exclude from Weighting - You can elect to exclude a CSF from weighting which will give it a higher score.
5. +/- To Score - This is checked by default and will add the values set by the PM to the project’s score. There may be instances where a CSF would reduce a project’s score. If that is the case, uncheck this box for that CSF.
6. Display Order - Enter in the order in which you want the CSFs to appear in the project add/edit form under that goal. This is entered as an integer. The order of the CSF for that Goal will be ascending by number entered. A blank in the display order will appear first in the list. If there are more than one CSF for that Goal with the same display order number (or blank), they will be sorted by name in ascending order.
7. Active? - This box is checked by default. Only active CSFs will be included in the total score calculation for a project.
8. Click the Save button.
Add KPIs to a CSF
Click on the Add Key Performance Indicator icon on the row of the CSF you wish to add KPIs to. A row under the goal will be inserted for you to add in the KPI.
In the new row enter:
1. The KPI name
2. Business Rules - This free form field provides Project Managers (PMs) guidance to what the KPI is and how they should score their project as it relates to that KPI.
3. Weighting Factor - Use this field if you want to weight your KPIs. Weighting allows you to emphasize one KPI over another. Weights are entered in as integers representing percentage values. (e.g. enter 50 if this KPI should be weighted as 50% of the overall KPI score).
Note: You do not have to use weighting. If there are no weighting factors set up, the raw score will be used.
Note: You can only go to two decimal places on your weights, i.e. 33.33. If you enter in more decimal places, the number will be rounded.
4. Exclude from Weighting - You can elect to exclude a KPI from weighting which will give it a higher score.
5. +/- To Score - This is checked by default and will add the values set by the PM to the project’s score. There may be instances where a KPI would reduce a project’s score. If that is the case, uncheck this box for that KPI.
6. Display Order - Enter in the order in which you want the KPIs to appear in the project add/edit form under that CSF. This is entered as an integer. The order of the KPI for that CSF will be ascending by number entered. A blank in the display order will appear first in the list. If there are more than one KPIs for that CSF with the same display order number (or blank), they will be sorted by name in ascending order.
7. Active? - This box is checked by default. Only active KPIs will be included in the total score calculation for a project.
8. Click the Save button.
Balancing a scorecard
Once you enter in all your Goals, CSFs and KPIs, you will need to run the "scorecard balancer." This function is necessary if you have used weighting in you CSFs and/or KPIs. The balancer makes sure each of your weightings add up to 1. Each weighting means all of the KPIs in a particular CSF, all of the CSFs in a particular Goal, and all of the Goals in the scorecard, will add up to 100.
Note: Excluded items are not "balanced" since that score is a raw score.
Note: If you do not use any weighting at any of the levels (Goal, CSF or KPI), you do not need to balance your scorecard.
To balance a scorecard:
1. In system administration, from the scorecard, click on the Balance Scorecard link in the upper-right of the display.
2. You will be taken to the balance scorecard screen. On this screen any sections of the scorecard which are not in balance will be shown in red. Change the weighting factors as needed, so all add up to 100.
Note: You can only go to two decimal places on your weights, i.e. 33.33. If you enter in more decimal places, the number will be rounded.
3. Re-balance the scorecard by clicking the Balance Scorecard button just below the scorecard grid.
Balance Scorecard
4. If your scorecard is still not balanced, you will see this dialog message and the sections of the scorecard which are not in balance will be shown in red.
5. If your scorecard is still balanced, you will see this dialog message.
6. Once your scorecard is balanced your scorecard setup is complete.
All scoring is based on a scale of 0 to 10; 10 being the highest.
Maximum (Max) score
Once your scorecard is complete, you will notice a Max Score column. This column calculates the maximum score available for each item, section and the scorecard overall. The max score will help you and your management team value each of the sections appropriately in accordance to your business objectives. Additionally, you can see how your project scores approach the max score. This will help you determine how your projects are meeting your corporate objectives.
A scorecard which is "in use" by a project cannot be deleted. This "in use" status may include inactive scorecards. Previously used scorecards are maintained as "in use" for the purpose of historical records on projects which used the inactive scorecard in the past when the scorecard was active. It is required to delete all projects which have ever used a scorecard in order to subsequently delete a scorecard.
See More information on using the Project Scorecards interface within Add Project Scorecard topic.
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