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User comments on email notifications when approving or rejecting approvals




  • Official comment
    Dylan Wright

    Hi Lori,

    Currently you are only able to get the user's last comment field included in the email notification by following the steps below. This is compared to the Approval Step Comment that is included upon the item approval, which is currently not available. 

    1. Navigate to Administration > Notifications > Edit Notification Templates 
    2. There will be a lot of options laid out on this page - to edit the Approval Request notification, choose the Approval Request link under the Email Item Details section
    3. Choose Last Comment from the Field/Property Token Selector
    4. After that item is chosen, you can clairfy if you want it in HTML, text only, etc. 
    5. Lastly, test the work you've done with the Emial Me option under Template Tester

    This section of PI is where you can get into the nitty gritty of Notification settings, so you might see a few options and items that you want to test with. We are happy to discuss more about making this a custom feature and bring in Professional Services, I will also add this to our development's roadmap and post to this thread when there are updates.

    There's an article explaining this process too:

    Best regards,


  • Thomas Major

    I agree.

  • Lori Puetz


    Just checking in to see if there is any update on this item.

    Can we update our email settings to include user’s comments when approving or rejecting approvals in Project Insight? It would be great to have their comments appear in the email notification that is sent out.


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