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Custom Notification - adding Folder Name




  • Official comment
    Wes Kliewer

    I just tested our fix to this problem and it did remove the <br/> in my test. Please try it again and let us know if it is still an issue. Thank you for your patience and assistance in resolving this email formatting issue!

  • Wes Kliewer

    You can use <$V>ObjectFolderPath</$V> in the notification to show the complete path. That will include the folder in the path even if the "parent item" is not a folder. For example, a task path could be summary tasks and a project directly before you get down to the folder within which the project resides. The path in your notification would look something like this:

    Projects/Customers/ACME Company/Server Implementation/Software Update

    ACME Company could be the folder, while Server Implementation is the project and Software Update is a summary task above the task in the notification.

  • Cheryl J Carroll

    this did work but added a couple of characters ahead of the file name (the <br/>s bolded below) - what am i doing wrong?

    <br/><br/>Clients/Ironshore/Ironshore Jornay PM Training Materials/Core ADHD Ilearns - Clinical Features and Diagnoses/Core ADHD Ilearns - Draft 1 Development - Clinical Features and Diagnoses/ Task: Core ADHD Ilearns - Client sends Draft 1 consolidat...

  • Wes Kliewer

    Can you tell us exactly which item/link you clicked when you added this change? We want to see if we can find the source of those line breaks </br> getting into your message. We will be able to help you easily remove them once we figure out the exact cause. Thank you.

  • Wes Kliewer

    I found the item due notification where you made the changes and I have not yet determined the exact cause of the problem. Could you try removing the word "The" from the beginning of the first sentence in the body of the message? This is just for testing purposes. You should be able to start the string/sentence with a static word on your template. We just want to see if that's the source of this problem.

  • Cheryl J Carroll

    removed 'The' from the body text.  It is odd since the previews don't show the extra characters (just now and yesterday when I made the change). 

  • Wes Kliewer

    We found the bug which is that the path object we're using places those two line breaks into the message. So in my test case the <br/> is still a problem in the format of the message even though the tags themselves are not visible. It breaks up my sentence into separate lines which is not what I expected. I am using Outlook 365. I am investigating the fix and will respond with more detail soon.

  • Wes Kliewer

    Our solution to this will go into a patch we will deploy this evening. Please try it again tomorrow and you should see the end of these <br/> tags, as well as any unwanted new line formatting, in your email message. Thank you.

  • Cheryl J Carroll

    Will do - thank you!

  • Wes Kliewer

    Sorry, we need to wait another day. Our update was delayed until this weekend and now scheduled for Saturday. I will keep checking up on it!

  • Cheryl J Carroll

    Looks like it has been fixed. Thank you Wes!


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