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Task ID




  • Official comment
    Margaret Campbell

    This feature has been completed because you can display the unique number of the task anywhere in Project Insight now:

    Administration > System Configuration > 

  • Wes Kliewer

    There is a column selection for "Number (Full)" which appends the task number to the task number so that task 4 on project 2359 is number 2359.00004. Does that help? If so, are there task display pages that won't currently display it that we should include as part of your feature request?

  • Ashley Di Fruscia

    Hi Wes - Yes, that would help, as long as it is a system generated unique ID, which it looks to be.  To confirm, the 2359 is also a system generated project ID, not the project name, correct?  How do I get this to be displayed?

  • Wes Kliewer

    Hi Ashley, It sounds like this number will work for you then because it is unique project number and not the name. So let's see if we can get it displayed everywhere it's needed to fulfill this request or if the request needs to remain open for enhancements.

    1. In the task list and task reports it will be in a column selector as "Number (Full)."

    2. The project number can be pre-pended to the project name using the last selection on the blow referenced page. The setting is labeled "Prepend to Project Name." Select the option "Number."

    Administration > Projects > Settings

  • Ashley Di Fruscia

    Hi Wes,

    I followed the steps that you specified, however I'm not seeing any changes.  Number(full) is still only displaying the non-unique ID, same as Number(combined).  I cannot see where the prepended Number is appearing.

    Thanks, Ashley

  • Wes Kliewer

    I see the problem. It only does it when you add or edit a project. Then it places the number in the name display. You can try it by adding a new project and if you like the results, place your projects in a report using the inline editing option. You don't need to change/edit anything. Just go down the list of projects, edit and save.

  • Ashley Di Fruscia

    Hi Wes - I have gotten the Number(full) to now display, unfortunately I can get this to happen in the task list and on reports, but not on the task details itself.  Is there a way to do this?  Also, I cannot search for the number(full), it brings back no results.  Is there something wrong happening here? 

  • Wes Kliewer

    There isn't anything wrong in terms of what you can do on your end. These are two specific items that need to be addressed to complete this feature request. Please post any others you encounter as well.

    1. Add an option to display the full number into the task detail page
    2. Index the full number for searching.

    For reference to others viewing this post, the project number is displayed above the task name and then the task number is further down in the Details section of the task display. This separates the numbers so that they are not combined anywhere on that detailed task display.


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