Easily navigate to your calendar from your User Profile dropdown - the PTO Schedule keeps track of your work life in a simple, clear way. This article is meant to help you get to know the new PTO Schedule and how it highlights the Default and Personal Work Schedules. Here's what it does...
- Inherits from your System Default calendar for company-wide calendar updates
- Allows for one-click updates for a non-working day
- Full Day
- Partial Day
- Note company wide Non-Workdays
- PTO Whole Week
- Click on the day to make changes:
- Full Day
What Does this Change?
Your System Administrator still controls the Default Work Schedule under Project Administration
- Edit/create company Holidays, Non-Workdays and Special Days
You can still access the legacy Personal Work Schedule
- Navigate to your Profile page > Edit Work Schedule
- Manage your personal Holidays, Non-Workdays and Special Days
Why Aren't All of My Work Days Displaying?
Project Insight allows you to decide whether you want your Holidays, Non-Workdays and Special Days on the Time Entry Grid. Check your Time Entry Grid Display Options or the Time Entry Grid Default Settings to see what you have enabled.
Enjoy your PTO!
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