How to rename Items found in the Left Navigation? The answer is through the Culture & Interface Labels feature.
- You must be a System Administrator in Project Insight to have the ability. If you are then navigation to the Left Navigation under Administration -> Customization -> Culture & Interface Labels.
- Click on Culture Set name if one exists already otherwise, click in the blank row under Name and type in the name you wish to call your Culture Set then click Save. Now you can click on the newly created Culture Set if there wasn't an existing one or you wish to create a new Culture Set.
- Click on the Miscellaneous Text tab.
- Click on "Edit Miscellaneous Text".
- In this example we will change the "My Work" and "Work List". In the keywords you will type first My Work and click the Refresh button.
- Now click the edit icon for any row that matches Work List or My Work because not all results will be relevant. Then type within the Form Text column, in the screenshot, it is being renamed to Upcoming Deadlines and then clicking the save icon.
- Continue renaming any row that matches the item your are renaming such as in this example, "Work List" and "My Work".
- Once done renaming and saving each row that is change, click on Culture & Interface Labels in the left navigation as you did in Step 1.
- The Culture set that was just edited will show a Cache Status showing "Refresh Required", click on the words, in order to refresh the culture set.
- Next click on "Current Settings & Editing Options" tab and apply it to "Your Current Personal Setting" if it isn't already applied. Once changes are confirmed you can apply it to "Current System Level Setting" and remove it from "Your Current Personal Setting".
- After 3 minutes expand and collapse items within your left navigation to tell your internet browser to refresh and get data from Project Insight instead viewing cached data.
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