For those with access to the Invoices section, an Invoice Summary report can be created. A list of companies is displayed for an overview of time and expenses recorded in reference to those companies. The report initially display filtered on the current quarter. You can easily change the date range and filters in order to create a report with all or only certain invoices.
Date Range Type
Setting dates allows for the selection of a "Date Range Type," the first of which is a "Dynamic Dates" selection.
Dynamic Dates - Are a preset ranges of dates that are commonly used, such as current week, current month, last month, next year and that change automatically. If a report is saved with these settings or a filter is remembered with these settings, the next time report is run of the filter is applied, the date range will change automatically relative to the current date. For example, if the current month is October, selecting "Current Month" as a Dynamic Date Range will automatically set the date range to Oct 1 to Oct 31st. If the current month then becomes November, the date range will reset automatically to Nov 1 to Nov 30. The report or filter does not have to be changed as the range changes automatically.
Specific Dates - These are specific dates that are entered and you control what the range is. If a report is saved with these settings or a filter is remembered with these settings, those specific date ranges will be saved as well and when the report is re-run or the filter applied, it will always use those exact dates, they will never change.
Selecting from the drop downs, specific companies and/or contacts may be selected to refine your report.
Project Filtering Options
Project Filtering Options can be set to filter based on Project Type, Project Status, Project name, Project Number and/or Resource Type. Selections available will vary from report to report.
Group by allows you to group the invoices by either Company or Project.
The summary presents time and expense entries into the following categories.
1. Invoiced - included on an existing invoice.
2. Approved - not yet invoiced, but approved and eligible for invoicing.
3. Pending Approval - submitted for approval, but not yet approved.
4. Unsubmitted - entered, but not submitted for approval.
5. Total - the total for all of the above categories.
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