Sometimes you have an existing rate card and want to use it as the basis for another Rate Card. One case for copying is when you have a standard Rate Card for your company and want to either use it as the basis for a new standard Rate Card. Copying a Rate Card is also handy when a customer's Rate Card that only has a few differences from the standard or another customer's Rate Card. The easiest way to jump-start this process is to copy a Rate Card. Follow these simple steps
- Navigate to the company list in the administration
- Click on the company that has the Rate Card you want to copy from
- Click on the Rate Card you want to copy
- In the upper right side of the page, click on the "Copy Rate Card" icon
- In the resulting layer
- Rename the rate card
- Select the company to copy the Rate Card to
- Click the [Copy] button to copy the Rate Card
You can now navigate to the new Rate Card and make any changes you need to
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