You have many choices in Project Insight.
In the Administration > Notification > Settings page, Administrators can change auto-alert specifics.
Use this section to change the email address for the notifications you receive.
You can change the sender of the Auto-Alert. You may want to do this to avoid emails going to the spam filter or to customize your Project Insight experience.
Please Note: There are notification settings that say "Not Recommended" so don't use those options... but they're an option... yeah.
Notification (Auto-Alert) Logo is a text box. "But how can I upload in image with a text box?" you may ask. Use the Theme Images page to reference images you've already uploaded to PI.
Alert Options
Use these settings to turn off capabilities globally. Allowing auto-alerts in the following categories:
- Company
- Group
- Email Address
... can cause too many alerts. Therefore, turning off this ability will keep email inundation to a minimum.
Over Allocation alerts are better explained here: Over Allocation Alerts. Use that article to determine if and how you'd like to use the Over Allocation alert feature.
RSS Options
If you know how to use RSS feeds, these features allow your team to use your favorite RSS feed to view PI notifications and Work Items.
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