Reporting and billing data can be managed for a single customer with multiple rate cards by adding rate cards to a Company. Additionally, rate cards may be used to manage work rate values based on the resource types/roles for the corresponding project tasks. To add a rate card to a company, click on the Company from the list of companies in the Companies Administration and use the Add New Rate Card option.
Number is an alpha-numeric text box that identifies a specific rate card. It is used as the filter where a rate card filter is present and is displayed when the rate card is being displayed.
Description is a free form text box where you can add any other rate card information needed.
Start Date is when the rate card begins being valid. This is informational only.
End Date is when the rate card is scheduled to expire. This is informational only.
Default Burden Rate is the default burden rate for time entries on a project or task for this rate card. This default rate is superceded by any rate assignment based on a resource type/role within this rate card.
Default Billable Rate is the default billable rate for time entries on a project or task for this rate card. This default rate is superceded by any rate assignment based on a resource type/role within this rate card.
Active rate cards can be added to projects or tasks; and only active rate cards are in report filters.
Add a Rate Card
After navigating to a Company from Admin > Companies, you can add the Rate Card on the top right of the form.
Adding Rate Card Information
Once a rate card is added to the company, the rate card number will appear in a list below the company information as a hyperlink.
Clicking the hyperlink for the rate card number will allow for the assignment of rates based on the resource type/role assignments to tasks within the project.
The rules for the rate application to the project resource’s time entries will follow the Rate Flow, allowing for the option to calculate burden rates and billable rates from different sources. For example, you may choose to manage the billable rates in the rate card and set the burden rates null (blank) to reference burden rates based on the resource assignment from burden rate values in the resource’s user profile settings.
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